CREATING BIG PEOPLE – Clare Chapman at #LC14 – Head of HR at Tesco, NHS, now BT.

She became a Christian at the age of 12, holiday club, watching a film about Jonah and the big fish.   6 years ago her husband David suddenly died in her arms. Then a voice came ‘You have what you need.’ You never get over it but you can move on.   When they first married David wouldn’t believe until he saw concrete proof. He eventually did the Alpha course, where he realised he had been asking the wrong question. He died believing in the resurrection.   For many years she had her spiritual life and work life in two separate boxes, but now she sees there’s an ‘here on earth as in heaven’ aspect where the talents you are given, well used, brings great fulfillment.   The Parable of the Talents She struggled with the parable! The servant who buried it suffered wrath. The pursuit of wealth isn’t the problem, it’s when that becomes the reason to be. Values and purpose are at the core of creating abundance rather than addiction.   Purpose To believe in something bigger than […]