A Baby New Year

Why is a baby the symbol for the New Year? Why will we very soon say goodbye to the OLD year, and welcome a new baby 2008? Well if there’s one thing you can say about babies that you can’t say as we get older – it’s that babies (especially in nappies) like changes!


Someone said to me the other day they think 2008 will be a bad year. I think you get what you believe for. I think the new year is like that baby who’s just entered the world and I want to be ready to celebrate and live life anew. A New Year presents another chance to grow, to develop, to learn:How do feel as you look toward 2008? Will next year be better?

What about you? Will you be a better version of you in 2008 than 2007?Sometimes adult children of God can think we’ve grown enough. Like when they measure Mary Poppins and it says, Practically perfect in every way!”

And we can make all kinds of excuses for stagnating….

An old man of 100 was asked by a reporter, “Well you must have seen a lot of changes in your life!” He replied, “Yes- and I was against every single one!”

In 2007 – did you take some steps of faith – Or just stand still and watch? Or dig your heels in? Have you become complacent? Did you reach a level and think, “I like this plateau- the view from here’s fine.” Even if you’re on the right road you can get run over if you’re not moving!

Did someone discourage you and say it can’t be done? Did you believe themor God? Do you keep looking back – instead of forward? Do you keep looking down instead of up?

In 2007 have you really grown? Have you let God stretch you? Mature you? Did you make it easy for him? Have you co-operated or resisted?

Have you grown in generosity? In purity? In keeping promises? In faith? Have you grown in speaking positively and encouraging people? As a servant to others? Did you set any goals and achieve them in these and other areas? Would those who know you best measure you higher in these areas – or did you shrink?

Maybe you should ask…

3 thoughts on “A Baby New Year

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for writing this. I appreciated the challenge to consider how much I’ve allowed God to grow and mature me in the past year.

    I most liked your final series of questions. These would be excellent questions to honestly ask of ourselves every morning about the day before. Perhaps then, we would more seriously consider the day ahead of us in the view of being a devoted follower of Jesus.

    Thank you!

    – tom

  2. Hey Tom
    Thanks for the encouragement of being the first person to comment!
    I enjoyed looking at your site. Please pray for me and my ministry and family, as I will for you.

  3. Hey Ant,
    Great Blog! Just started a joint blog and podcast so was encouraged to see you are ahead of the game.

    Just watched the You Tube clip from Catalist conference. Wow!

    I think you’re right – we get what we believe for. 2008 is going to be great!

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