the fat closed in over it

That has to be one of the yukkiest lines in the Bible doesn’t it? The moment when Ehud the left handed man, stabs fat king Eglon, described with a bit too much detail, thanks.

I saw on the news yesterday that the government are spending £3 million on a campaign to educate kids to the dangers of carrying knives in the wake of this terrible surge of teen killings – it’s hard to get accurate figures, but 26 in London last year is 26 too many! Maybe they should get them reading that Bible story – it’s pretty gross.

The government’s images are awful (I said images, not image, though you could be forgiven…)

This is probably the tamest of the pictures in the campaign

(this is the tamest of the pics )

Knife wounds and fingers missing are pretty graphic, and meant to show kids the reality you never get from watching Rambo films or playing your X box 360 “I’m an assassin” games.

I’d have to question though whether a generation raised on violence – 200,000 violent images viewed by age 18 – are likely to be much put off by more images of it. They pay to see stuff like that!

Anyway, the reality can’t be portrayed by a photo.

The smell of blood and fear, the powerlessness of the victim, the shock and horror after a moment of madness. I’ve seen a lot of people stabbed and cut. I was first through the door when a 15 year old girl had just killed her mother with a knife. Unforgettable. It’s given me an aversion to sharp objects in general! I don’t even like watching Casualty and I know they’re doing the operations on footballs and tomato sauce, not real people. Too many kids have exactly the opposite exposure – they see so much of the unreal they’re amazed when their knife actually slices skin or severs an artery.

On one hand we’re told that family can be ‘whatever you want it to be,’ and that we can feed kids minds with all kinds of violent junk – because what they see on TV etc. doesn’t effect them (try telling that to advertisers!), at the same time we wring our hands over a generation growing up fatherless and angry, fearful and frightened – wielding a weapon of mutual destruction.