Email can help or hinder. Pressing the send button without engaging brain can lead to a lot of trouble, wishing we could take it back (and recalling the message doesn’t hack it). Some things to think about to improve on email communication…
Things not to do with emails:
1. Sending an email because or especially WHILE you’re cross or upset. (see James 1;20). Dale Carnegie advised that if you want to make friends and influence – don’t criticise, condemn or complain. This especially applies to email! Take a walk. Kick something if you have to, but put it in drafts, then delete it later on or write something better.
2. Waffling
3. Sending work emails on days off – have a Sabbath and let others do the same.
4. Replying to all when you could be more personal
5. Attaching unnecessary files
6. Marking it as URGENT or high priority when I’d easily live without it
7. Recalling it.
8. Saying no, or being in any way controversial or contentious. Pick the phone up instead. Email is best used for saying YES or answering questions. Anything else – handle with care. THINK acronym is a good filter – is it True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind?
9. Sending on spam, or chain emails (even if there’s death threats for not passing it on), or warnings about viruses that will BURN OUT YOUR WHOLE HARD DRIVE that you didn’t check first.
10. Inviting me to send money to help you get millions out of that bank in Timbuktu because you’re a princess who’s father left it all to you – because I’m not going to be daft enough to fall for that
(ever again).