In Deep Water. Luke 5:1-11 @duffy_nick @ivchurchhub

How do we know what God is like?

Look at Jesus- Heb 1:1-3 says Jesus is how God has spoken to us bad shown himself to us

Truth is a person we know not a fact we know

Everyone on the side of truth listens to Him.

Nick talked about his uni days, right where he now leads a church: how he was just blowing his life till some crazy Christians set up a prayer room in Owens Park. He said yes – full on to Jesus

And 3 months into that he was right on the edge of blowing it again.

How does God treat people who failed?

Fishermen fail a lot.
Jesus stepped right into that boat.
With an invitation – put out a little from shore.

Matt 11:28-30
Jesus has unforced rhythms of grace for us.
He chose you first remember!

He knows you
That’s intimacy – not information!

We know him – by knowing him. By relating. Saying yes to the invitation and the challenge.

Jesus takes him from observation in the shallows to participation in deep water.

Simon thought he knew how to fish
Jesus was a landlubber
But he still responded with a Yes
So then he saw Jesus work, in his work.
There was a big ripple effect!!
It spills over into the lives of others.

Jesus set it up so Simon couldn’t fail! He doesn’t set you and me up to fail. He’s setting us up for a miracle.

We don’t have a bible syllabus to master – to get to heaven and be tested on. We have a Master.

Who doesn’t say ‘You’re a rubbish fisherman’
He says ‘Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll catch people’

He wants to step into your boat.

Don’t get caught up in your nets. Don’t get tied up
God can still use you – throw off everything that hinders and the sin that easily entangles; fix your eyes on Jesus!