So much of what I’m learning about finding and developing leaders has been by observation and connection with world class practitioners, and nobody does it better than one of NewThing’s Global leaders, Bishop Oscar Muriu of Nairobi Chapel. He aims to plant 300 churches by 2020; with 210 of them in Kenya; 60 in the rest of Africa; and 30 off the continent of Africa in the gateway cities of the world.
Oscar has spoken on a number of occasions at Willow Creek GLS and also at Exponential (he’ll be there in Florida again in 2020). I am thrilled that he will be one of our keynote speakers at LAUNCH this year, particularly as it was a conversation with Oscar that gave me the idea to start LAUNCH in the first place. We have once again assembled an incredible line up but it would be worth the price of admission and travel for you and your team to just hear from him!
As a foretaste (and for free!) here are some of his thoughts on how to find and develop leaders:
1. THE SIZE of your harvest depends on how many leaders you have.
The harvest is plentiful. The more harvesters we commission, the greater the harvest will be. Jesus found leaders first, and invested into their lives. Jesus didn’t throw himself in the work but into the workers. If we don’t do that, we burn out. Don’t limit your influence to your own personal capacity.
How many leaders are you raising up? Invest in them – BOOK NOW for LAUNCH2019 before our next price rise!
2. DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF By Living To Your Own Generation.
Psalm 71:18
Even to old age and grey hairs, O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,your power to all those to come.
Acts 13:36 says David served the purpose in his generation. But David says he didn’t just live for his own generation! The only way for your vision to outlive you is to instill it in others.
In Psalm 71 we see that David did not limit his impact because he invested in the next generation. Who are you investing in who is at least 20 years younger than you? That’s a generation – not 5 years younger.
3. IDENTIFY the budding leaders around you – and take them to God in prayer.
You are asking ‘Where do we get leaders from?’ Some of your best leaders are right under your nose – but you’re not seeing them.
In Numbers 11:10-17. When Moses was griping about the pressures of ministry. How did the Lord answer? ‘You’re working too hard. Pick some leaders and I will put my spirit that is on YOU – on them.’ There were 70 right there, he got them in one day.
God wants to enthuse others so they will carry your DNA, having the same drive and heart. The Lord can help you start to see them, one by one. Diamonds in the rough, sons and daughters, world class leaders.
4. NEVER do leadership alone.
Always have budding leaders around.
Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.
These people became leaders because they spent time with Jesus. He shared his life, 4 or 5 days a week at least for 3 years. That’s 9300 hours! If you did 3 hours a week of coffee meetings, it would take 60 years to match that. Seize the opportunity not to be alone. Mentor them. Don’t drive alone. Let them see and observe you. Take them with you.
(I have a great idea how you can do that. Book now for LAUNCH 2019)