Francis Chan – What Do You Want To Be Known For?

I had to miss the end of this amazing talk for leaders at the Pre-Gathering for The Send here in Manchester yesterday but what I got was gold.

He used to get introduced as a really funny speaker, then as the guy who if you listened to him you were not sure you were even a Christian. He’s been introduced as a ‘best selling author’… You can’t control what people introduce or label you as, but…

But what do I really want to be known for?

People ask for a Bio as a speaker, and if you just say ‘Pastor’ – it’s like if you don’t big yourself up, who’s going to be interested in hearing you? You start striving for different things other than what God wants.

The apostle John describes himself 5 times as “The disciple Jesus loved.”

Now that’s bold, and what’s Peter going to think when hears that? 

This was John’s identity. To be loved. It’s what he wanted to be known as. 

It sounds a bit passive doesn’t it? Don’t we want to be known as the fire bringing prophet? I think want to walk on water and for the church to be built on my name like Peter.

If this was your last day on earth, how would people remember you?

What do you want to be known for? Where do you find your identity? 

When Jesus was introduced to the world – how did God introduce him? ‘Hey he’s the miracle worker who made the world!’


This is my Son and I love him!” 

How about getting that into us? Do you believe that about yourself?

That you are the disciple he loves and he delights in you: 

Beloved –



John went on to write that there’s no fear in love, so are we loved so much we don’t feel that fear? Because He has so much pleasure in us. He loves to lavish his love on us, because he abounds in it, overflowing! 

Why did God create Adam & Eve? He didn’t need gardeners.

He wanted someone in his image, so he could love us. And save us.

We are the recipients of his grace – because he is rich in mercy.

Once you get that, you don’t strive for all these other things – because God says over you, ‘This is my beloved son.’ 

We do crazy stuff because we don’t know we are loved. We don’t lay on his chest.

And if the leaders are like that, what does the Church End up like? Insecure leaders breed an insecure people.

John doesn’t say he’s the disciple Jesus loved in a way that’s competitive or comparing with others – his belovedness overflows. 

1 Jn 4:7 

What are the churches in your city known for? The best childcare? Bands? Teaching?

Which church is known for its love? Where is it that people say ‘Oh wow, how they love each other!’

They are supposed to know us by our love!  It’s supposed to be the most important thing, but are known as the beloved – and doing what he says, ‘Love one another.’ ??

There are all kinds of great people gathering here in Manchester this week for The Send including people from Steiger Ministries who are radical in reaching Gen Z and those who seem furthest from God right now. Check out my Future Church podcast for the interviews with Luke Greenwood who is here for The Send, and Aaron Pierce who leads Steiger internationally and will be with is for LAUNCH in June!

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