Lynn Swart’s talk at Ivy Mcr on Acts 20

These notes I took during the talk form discussion  for Ivy Grow Groups if you’re still meeting through summer….

What happened in Acts is not just about what happened, but what can happen today!

When we read Acts it is all about journeys – remember that we are on a journey too. Every day – sometimes we get stuck!

Discuss: Where are you on your journey right now? anyone stuck? Pray for one another.

Our journey at Ivy as a community is marked by Knowing, Growing & Going in God. That’s our missionary journey as a community.

We are all full time! Full time workers for the church & kingdom, some of us get paid for that. Some don’t.

Discuss: Do you agree? Should ANYONE get paid for Christian ministry?

The resource we cannot do without? The Holy Spirit! Lynn says it’s great to open the day by saying, ‘Good morning, Holy Spirit,’ every day. Invite his leading. Don’t just ask him to be with me, let him lead!

There is still a voyage of discovery – however long we’ve been following.

Keep steady in God – by knowing him, Christ in me.

Acts 20:1&2 (Read)

Uproars still happen. Idols don’t like being cast down.

Nb. this word – Encouraging! Parakaleo = come alongside and call out…

Do you love to encourage others? Come alongside & Call the greatness out of those around you?
We need people around us who will instil confidence in each other- because it is tough- but God is for us! We either believe that fully or not at all. ‘If God is for us who can be against us?’

Encouraging means ‘strengthen in purpose.’ believing that this person can make a difference.

Are we looking out for one another, lifting each other up? Not competing or even comparing. – without expectation of reward or recognition.

We need encouragement from God.

“The enemy wants to take you out at the ankles. God wants to take you out at the knees.” Do you let that happen first?

We need to speak encouragement to ourselves. Build altars of remembrance. Where I say, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped me…’

Tell stories of encouragement to one another. Prophesy over one another, naturally. Pray for one another. Take the opportunity to speak goodness and purpose into one another, rather than being quick to voice problems. I already know what my weaknesses & problems are! I need someone to say, ‘I see this in you..God’s doing this..’

? Take some time in the group doing this? Tell stories of encouragement!

Then there’s the Eutychus incident. He fell out of the window & dies. Vs 7-11. Paul speaks life – to the community! ‘don’t be alarmed’ by what you see with the natural eye.

Jesus is still the resurrection!

Community is so important. We cant do this journey alone. We need community. Ages mixed together.

Prophetic word via Dennis Wakefield was read out out by Lynn. This is on the church website.

I can’t watch my back, I need someone at my back!

Communion. Remember who is our life.