Andy Hawthorne at Ivy MCR

Jesus means Saviour
Christmas was going to save people from their sins that act as a barrier between us and God. Heaven is a place for perfect people – which is a big problem for me and you!

God could have been born anyway but he chose the worst place available so we could never say ‘You don’t know how bad it is.’

They brought him Gold
Imagine at the baby shower you get a coffin!
This baby was born to die.
That was the most important thing about his life.
Not his teaching – amazing though it was.
Not his miracles – and he’s still doing them by the way .

But as he died he became our Saviour.
He took the wrath of God on himself.
Pays the price of our freedom – It is finished

Good news
Of great joy
For all people

It’s good news!
Is it news to you?

It brings great joy. No matter what we go through.
It’s the only truly universal religion – relevant to the millionaire or the slum dweller.

People in prison and poverty don’t need convincing they need a Saviour.

We get so wrapped up in the trappings of Christmas we miss the reality of Christ!