Romans 5:17 NIV ‘For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!’
We don’t have to leave it all to chance and just hope the day goes okay. When I connect to God’s grace first thing in the morning I can #wintheday and #winatlife. Your morning ritual sets you up for success or failure and I’ve learned how to get much more done with much less stress when I start my day this way. Even ten minutes can make a huge difference. I always try to exercise physically in the morning and have a good breakfast too.
You can always go longer if you have time, but we all have to start somewhere. If you tell me you can’t make ten minutes in your life, I’d have to wonder whether you really have one.
- Pray: Get comfy, shoulders back, chest and head high. Take a deep breath in, hold it – then let it out twice as slow. Now breath in and out a simple short prayer. Brennan Manning suggested repeating: “Abba” (breathing in); “I belong to You”(breathing out).
- Say Thanks: Think of three things you’re really grateful for, past, present or future. It can be something very simple but create and hold a clear image of that moment or person as possible and tell God you’re grateful. 3 MINS
- Pray The Bible: combine the power of prayer with the power of God’s word in two steps with two questions: i) What is God saying to me? Read a short Scripture text. Why not try the Youversion verse of the day to get you started, or read a little more by signing up to a plan. Reflect, listen and notice for the Holy Spirit speaking to you a word or phrase that especially stands out. ii) What am I going to do about it?Dialogue with God’s Spirit within, talk with Him and listen for His voice. You could add iii) Who else needs to hear this? Then text or message someone to encourage them or I use an app like Typorama to make a picture for it and post to Instagram. Use #wintheday like I do and I’ll be encouraged by them.
- Pray the Lord’s Prayer. The pattern Jesus gave us of Praise, Petition, Praise means wherever you are you can stop worrying about anything as you pray about everything then step into the rest of your day ready to smash it – full of hope and peace. If you have time let yourself ‘stick’ on an aspect of the prayer that stands out for a while. What ‘Daily bread’ do you need at work today, or what aspect of God’s kingdom needs to come on earth as it is in heaven for someone you know or love?