9:30am-4pm BST Saturday 15th June, Ivy Central, Manchester M20 2GP
“No one on a cohesive team can say, Well, I did my job. Our failure isn’t my fault.”
― Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage:
I have been rereading Lencioni’s fantastic book recently. He describes so well how what we think of as teams are often really just groups – more like a bunch of golfers who each go off and do their own thing, and then compare results at the end.
If like me;
- You want to know how to move from that toward environments that bring out the best in everyone.
- You’re wondering how to build and empowering a winning team.
- You want to create lasting change through a self perpetuating leadership culture
You need to join us here in Manchester on the 15th June for our Launch One Day with Tom McGehee and bring those you work with.
It has been my great pleasure to get to know as a friend someone who has been a hero to me for some years, Tom McGehee. I benefited so much from the learning strategy he developed for Leadership Network; maybe you have been on one of the multitude of other Learning Communities that have adopted his framework looking at;
When I met with Tom back in January when through NewThing Catalyst Community he helped us think better about leadership development. He explained that over the years since he developed that format he’s seen its advantages and limitations.
There are more ways that people think and feel in groups that can help us move well forward together.
True collaboration will help us engage more, decide better and own the results. This is so important that we have connected with our friends at Ministry2Business to put on a one day training. Consider this your invitation.
The space here at Ivy Central is limited and we want to sit at round tables not in a classroom so book now while you still can. If you’re hungry to learn and willing to engage then I guarantee this day will help you grow your church, charity or business and multiply your effectiveness.
Why should you spend the money?
Because this day will multiply your effectiveness at a fraction of the cost you’d usually pay.
What will I say to the treasurer or finance director?
Just quote Simon Sinek (Leaders Eat Last)
“Leaders of great organisations do not see people as a commodity to be managed to help grow the money. They see the money as the commodity to be managed to help grow their people.” Boom.