I could not be more excited about the future as we head toward LAUNCH 2020:REFRAME on 17th and 18th November.
Five years ago we started LAUNCH based on the premise that it’s not the direction of the wind but the set of your sail that determines your direction and destination.
That message and mentality matters more this year than ever – which is why joining us for those two days could change everything for you and your team now and for 2021.
We live in uncertain times. The uncertainty invites fear – showing up as stress and suffering, and leading to scarcity thinking. Even something as benign as checking the news or scrolling through social media raises the heart beat when we’re constantly assailed by everything that is (or could be) wrong with the world.
But God has not given us a Spirit of fear. And you can’t be fruitful and fearful at the same time.
That’s why it’s vital, before this year is out – that you REFRAME.
When you step back and consider the nature of fear, you’re looking at the world through a particular set of lenses, and it’s time for a reframe.
When you look up and consider the size of our God, or try to measure the dimensions of his love or power, or realise you’re seated now in heavenly places – you’re left with the most important choice of all to consider as you look toward 2021.
Will you panic or pray? Worry or worship? Act out of fear or faith? Is the end or a new beginning?
Nothing could be more important – and the answers you give will determine your actions, and it will always be about how you see:
CHURCH – And its Mission!
At this year’s LAUNCH we are looking at how we ‘reframe’ all three.
Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. 2 Chronicles 20:6 NIV
Is your God too small? Is Christ the big C for you – or Covid 19? Reframe!
God our Saviour…who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim 2:4
Is it harder to reach people now the world has changed? Or are they more ready than ever for good news?
Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12
Have the greater works stopped now – or are we just getting started? Is the church done because the number of ‘church goers’ has further declined in the west or because we’ve had to close some buildings?
Or could this be the renewal or revival we’ve been praying would come? Will we reject it because it doesn’t suit us or look like we expected or wanted it?
We may not be able to control the events that happen in the world, but we do get to decide how we respond.
A REFRAME gives you change to reset, renew, reconfigure, rebuild, restructure, reimagine, reinvent.
This is how the worst of times can become the best of times. No matter what chaos – there’s a plan, no matter what adversity or adversary, there’s an assurance; God is the Sovereign Lord and wants his people to overcome whatever we undergo, not as victims but victorious in the end.
Fear looks at the future in ways that rob the present. Faith looks back through history and to scripture, sees the faithfulness of God and gives him what you can’t control – then everything shifts. A REFRAME will take you from fear to faith, even in the most turbulent of times.
Our speakers this year are as incredible a list as any other year and engaging with them interactively online will help you create more change, make more of a difference, and have more of an impact on others and on the world than ever before. But rather than focus on them, pray and ask God if you should join hundreds already booked in from around the world who are ready for a REFRAME. I hope you will!