God knows the plans he has for you – how about you? 7 Reasons you need a Life Plan.

Lots of Christians I know would say your favourite verse is going to be Jeremiah 29:11, (I have it on my keyring!) where we hear that God has a plan for our lives. But how do we find it? Are we living it?

Isn’t it astonishing how some of us meticulously plan a holiday, from choosing the destination to scheduling activities, yet we often neglect planning our lives? 

Where do you want to be, say, ten years from now? I once heard someone say ‘Nobody ever woke up one day and found themselves on the top of Mount Everest’ so I’m not talking about drifting along, or ‘que sera sera.’ I’m not just talking about a To Do List either. They are often reactive not proactive, that’s why most of us drift through life without a clear destination in mind, only to be surprised when things don’t turn out as expected. But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

I’m a firm believer that EVERYONE should create a written life plan. It’s something I have done for many years and though I tweak it every now and then, it keeps me on track to keep the man things the man things.

Here are SEVEN compelling reasons why I think this matters:

1. Clarify Priorities

Your life plan helps you identify what truly matters. It’s about your priorities, not what others expect from you.

2. Maintain Balance

With a life plan, you can excel in multiple areas like your career, health, and relationships. It’s about thriving, not sacrificing.

3. Saying “No” with Confidence

I am a terrible people pleaser by nature, but when you’ve said “yes” to your life plan, you can more easily and confidently say “no” to less important distractions.

4. Face Reality

Your life plan prompts you to address your current realities honestly and work on areas where you fall short.

5. Dream A Bigger Dream

See life the way God wants it to be can lift your faith, so you can set exciting goals in each major category.

6. Road Map to Success

A life plan guides you forward with actionable steps.

7. No Regrets

By following your life plan, you’re less likely to reach the end of your journey with all those woulda coulda shudders and unfulfilled dreams.

Now, here’s the exciting part. 

I have found the tool you need to bring that plan to fruition. I have tried doing this myself after reading so many books, courses and seminars on this important issue and I am glad for every minute I ever put into planning and prioritising but I want to recommend LifeFocus to you because it’s not just a life planning system…it’s like having a personal life coach and a Mr Motivator, to help simplify the process, making what too many people put off too long not only accessible but enjoyable. I met Michael Hyatt many years ago and was so impressed and helped by everything I have ever read, learned or listened to from him since so when I found out about this I wanted to let others know too.

With prompts, examples, and a fun approach, LifeFocus takes the boredom out of planning and infuses excitement and faith into your future. Please check it out!