David Parker at New Wine North

Value at the core of his church – welcome everyone. Acts 17. God wants us to reach, & he’s not far!

Idea:,after worship,,before talk: get people to go to loo or get a drink or say hello to those round them.

Rom 8:28ff
If you read the Bible a lot you get to hear the voices:,here he voices that God works in all things for our good- That’s love!

When Paul proclaims that – then he soars! Tells us God has a destination of salvation for us. That love changes everything. Nothing can separate us from that kind of love.

The reason we don’t embrace the unstoppable love of God is
1. We define it wrongly
We are used to a more incomplete & immature definition of love. We think it’s ‘You do what I want so I love you.’ you give me that so I love you. Gods love is bigger & more challenging. Not self focused. Gods love is self sacrificing. A higher standard

2. We don’t understand the cost of love.
That when we love deeply it’s ‘whatever happens to them happens to me.’

3. We dont know the direction of love.
Love is an engine on the train. Gods leading us with love.

Why does God love you & pursue you?
– It’s built on personal origins. God is personal & relational & he wants us to know him. It’s not an accidental life
– it’s with the long view in mind. God loves you from & to eternity.
– it’s built on real sacrifice. I spend/suffer/lose this… For you. He is separated so we can have his place in the family. God hasn’t hidden his love.
– it’s built on the divine nature. Love is who he is. As we encounter God as he is, we are transformed. As he lavished his love on us, we become like him.

2 thoughts on “David Parker at New Wine North

  1. Praise God pastor Many blessing to you in Christ Jesus For the good worker you are doing to glorify his king Dom.
    I am Called Pastor Kamugisha Moses From Mbarara City Uganda East Africa. I am writing this letter you to invite You Here In Uganda to Bless us For What God has Put In You Heart. Much Love From Uganda and Many Greeting From Our Church.
    I am Looking to hearing from you soon.
    Pastor kamugisha Moses

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