Why is fat so easy?


Just been out on my cycle for 23 miles. No, the picture above isn’t me – but I want to get some of the weight off that’s so quickly accumulated over this festive season. A very western ‘disease,’ – creeping chubbitum.

Why is it so easy to put weight on? I can usually take it off okay (blood, sweat and tears), but as you get older it seems to get harder not to end up looking like you’re wearing an inflatable rubber ring under your shirt. that stuff about turning 40 was true for me!

Now I’m not paranoid about it. I know God loves every inch of me (so if I put on some more inches will he love me more?). I like the fact that God looked on the fat portions and was pleased… and nobody’s ever going to mistake me for an anorexic, but I just feel so much better when I’m not carrying around Christmas pudding.

So tomorrow, I’ll start the New Year running.