Eric Delve at Ivy Manchester

Grace has become a theological abstract that we argue about. Grace is basically the generosity of God wanting to bless you.
Don’t live in the kingdom of grace AND fear. ‘God has to love me, but really I deserve to be punished.’
Sin is nothing compared to the power of grace. The vast majority of us though are not perfect. So what do we do with those who mess up? One act of grace deals with it all!
So you really ARE forgiven.
And if we really got that – we’d be a lot easier on ourselves and everyone else. If we get the abundance of grace, then we can REIGN in life. When sin abounds, grace hyper-abounds.
Sin is like dog poo on your shoe!
No point ignoring it, it will start to stink and everyone around you will notice. Imagine you have that shoe under Victoria Falls.
That’s hyper abounding grace. So because of that – we are FREE!
When we say to ourselves we are not worthy it’s because we have an idol not God. Because the real God. Rom 3:23
All of sinned & fall short of the glory of God.
Who / what defines the glory of God?
Jesus is perfect theology
If it isn’t true of Jesus, it isn’t true of God.
He is the very image of God!
The problem is not the list of sins, but the nature of sin in you and me.

As far as God is concerned we should all be as good as Jesus. We tell people ‘You are a sinner!’

But we should be saying ‘We are all in the same boat!’
Nobody’s perfect!
Actually – one man was.
Only one.
Everyone else is substandard!

Read 2 Cor 4:4f
But the Holy Spirit has come to restore us to function, to change you to be radiant with the nature of God for eternity. Starting now
You don’t have to die to start.
At least not physically.
The good news is that God is revealed perfectly in Christ
When we die, he is waiting. No fear. We have got this all wrong. Our dying thought should be – I’m going to see Jesus! It’s the best!

The good news is the good news of the glory of the blessed God. Look up glory in the NT. It’s in there a lot!

We were made to reflect the glory of God. Uniquely.
Did you know every diamond is different and reflects and refracts light differently That’s how he has made us.

CS Lewis said, if we could see each other now as we will be then, we would bow down & worship each other

Because God is brilliant
And we will reflect his brilliance forever.
To and through each other!
And that is why Jesus thought we were worth dying for
It’s what we were made for.

2 Cor 3:16f

Moses veiled the glory- we don’t have to!
Only through Christ, the anointed one, the veil is taken away. We now surpass normality. We live FREE!
We have been brought into a covenant filled with life! Not a life of rules & regulations. Now we behold his glory
And are changed
From glory to glory and then we die
And become more and glorious!

Eph 1:12
Now who we ARE – is to the praise of his glory.

Col 1:27
We have been promised there is a means by which this is possible. You are a saint!
CHRIST in you- the hope of glory!

So start enjoying him.