Don’t Worry – Be Ready!

My notes from last night’s talk at Ivy Central from my friend John Bunjo (Uganda)  


Understanding The Times

One of the most important things I notice in Europe is TIME. The seasons change, the shops change, the clothes change – because of the season.

Why? Because it’s a new season.

He saw that people were putting salt on the road. Why!

Because there may be snow.

They don’t wait for snow to come. They store up salt. They prepare for the season.

We live now in the time when the second coming, is coming. Jesus – Maranatha!

He came from heaven, saying ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.’

He’s coming back!

We work on our bodies. At the gym. Even in our 90s! Why? Fighting to live longer! But however much you exercise, time comes when the body is ageing. No matter what. Some of their parts have already gone to be with the Lord (like hair).

What made the first church strong?

It was vibrant.

It was healthy.

No denominations.

They held nothing back.

They feared God not people.

And they had real POWER. If you didn’t give properly – if you lied, you died! 🙂

But their leaders were ‘simple uneducated people.’

They wrote and spoke about prayer, holiness, living right.

And that church went everywhere!

Now we are in the last days – Get ready! Jesus is coming soon. Where we will worship forever and ever. Sometime, some day.

When you’re on a plane, we often zone out the safety instructions – especially if I’m a ‘frequent flyer.’ 30 mins before you land, the pilot says ‘Cabin crew, prepare for landing. Passengers, fasten your seatbelts.’Now, you can’t ask for food or go to the loo. Why? The plane is landing! The only people who can move now are the crew who get you to move your bag, straighten your chair etc.

This is what is happening now.

The cabin crew = the pastors, prophets and leaders who say ‘Get ready now.’ They are here to help. To get you to put the rubbish away, to be ready for the new destination.

When the flight was miles away you could move around and stretch and come to chat with a friend. But now the plane is landing. Jesus is coming back.

Have you packed what you need? You need to put things where they belong.

What’s the seatbelt? TRUTH. Repentance – changing to be clean.

The plane is landing – what is your status – are you ready? Have you got the entry requirements? Are you listening to the crew and the pilot? We shall not live here like this forever.

Romans 13:11 Now it is time to wake out of sleep. And do this, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

Jesus is coming – closer and closer every day. Every day we live closer to landing. We have already taken some steps. But it says ‘He’s closer now than when he left for heaven.’ The plane, every minute – it’s further than where it left. The destination is ahead. SO WAKE UP!

Don’t be busy thinking ‘How will I eat? When will I sleep?’ DO NOT WORRY about it. About your future. The things that are worrying us – are robbing us.

Don’t worry. Be Ready. Plan. God will fulfil it. The things that worry us only last a few years at most. Heaven doesn’t worry about them. People are busy, depressed, tired, worried. Why are you running? Trying to save a future that is here now!

Prepare yourself! Every day.

Prayer wakes us up.

Since the fall, the seed – Jesus the Saviour- has been prophesied – announced, the first coming. Many missed it, but he came. He fulfilled so many prophecies. His birth, death and resurrection. He came on time as God announced – that’s why we’re Christians. And if he came, he will come! The first time he came to finish the sin of Adam, the laws of Moses – it is finished.

The angels said, “The one you saw go – he will come!”

He came to his own (the Jews) but they missed him and are still waiting. Their minds were blind. Don’t let it happen to you.

He will come!

Simeon and Anna had been waiting – and one day; he came.

Meanwhile – don’t lose heart, don’t lose hope.

Don’t worry – be ready!