My notes from today’s talk at ivychurch.org by Stephen Matthew (who I love in the truth!) as he rounded off our long series from 1 John & 2 John by studying 3 John.
“The apostle John’s complaint here was the unloving way a church was refusing to welcome outside voices, so me being welcomed to be here today to close out the series is a real expression and application of what we are reading!
Love and Truth characterise real Xy as they work together. Transformation only happens when love and truth combine. That’s what this letter is all about.
John’s Message
John starts out by saying:
“I love Gaius – in the truth.”
Not just, “I truly love you.”
He’s remembering who the truth is. He gives the truth a voice.
John was Jesus’ best friend, so when he thinks of truth, he thinks of Him—He who is ‘I am…’ God – the way, truth, and life. Truth personified. We are not just meeting a principle, but a person. I love you in the one who is the truth.
A New Reality
Because of Jesus, we have a new reality:
- Knowing the truth that sets us free is not merely knowing facts, it’s knowing Him who is the truth.
- That truth is what binds us together. Naturally we might have nothing in common but when I see you and Jesus growing in each other as we are being transformed by love, in truth.
Gaius has been faithful to the truth.
Implicit in this, is sticking with it, rather than bailing out. This means Gaius has been through some tests and trials. Life has a way of throwing terrible things at us. Curve balls.
- Will that derail us? Knock us sideways?
- Or will we hold on, knowing that no matter what, God loves, and He is good? That’s being faithful to the truth. That brings delight to God.
So He says to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Walking in Truth
Gaius is one of God’s children who has “walked in the truth.” This means he continues in it, and that brings John joy—maybe because he is one of his spiritual ‘children.’ He remains faithful to the truth. It’s great to see years after we have connected with someone and find they are still going on and progressing! That brings joy,
Who are you bringing joy to today? As they see the difference in your life that this truth brings.
Gaius is then commended for his practical outworking of this through Hospitality.
He had a big heart of generosity and that’s to be commended.
See Verse 8. So…
- If we love in the truth,
- And are faithful to one another in the truth,
- And walk together in the truth (Amos),
- We will work together for the truth.
See the progress there?
But if we lose the love, if we are unfaithful, if we separate ourselves out and focus on myself, then I can’t have that shared mission because of a common vision.
Now John gets very personal!
Contrast with Diotrephes
John specifically names a bad example in the church: wow! He calls it out.
Diotrephes is one who ‘loves to be first’ —that violates all the principles John has named as appropriate for Christians. He extends no love to others, slanders, including John and visitors; he is an insecure narcissist! This is not a new problem. Simple application? Do not imitate Diotrephes!
But then Verse 11:
Diotrephes is contrasted with Demetrius—maybe the one who carried John’s letters? He is commended by John, and well spoken of by everyone and ‘even by the truth itself.’ That means Jesus commends people like this! The truth has a voice.
What a reputation Demetrius has.
We all have a reputation! We wonder ‘What do people think of me?’ What matters more is:
- What does the truth say about you?
- What does Jesus say about you?
- What does heaven say?
- Am I living that way?