Redefining Ministry Success. Stop Hitting The Wrong Target.

Are you a church leader feeling overwhelmed by the relentless drive for “more”? I know that push to reach more people, have more baptisms in the annual report, more funds in the budget, more exciting programs on offer can become the unspoken definition of success in ministry. But let me tell you from experience, chasing “more” can crush your soul, leave you spiritually empty, and strain your relationships.

The old way Pastors used to brag was ‘how many people I have in my church’ (newsflash – it’s not yours). The new way in the circles I move in is ‘how many churches I’ve planted….’

But what if the true measure of success in ministry isn’t about numbers or achievements? Jesus gives us a better framework for success:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew 22:37-40

The way the Lord measures ministry is not found in KPIs or growth metrics, it’s all about loving God and loving people. Whenever we shift back to these as our focus, we lead with joy, authenticity, and lasting impact.

Why Chasing “More” Destroys Pastors

Many church leaders I speak to feel crushed under the weight of unrealistic expectations, not just from those around them but by their own misplaced passion or comparison. That desire for bigger numbers can easily become a dangerous idol. When you think, “If I could just grow from 50 to 100 members, I’d be successful,” then you get to 100, and guess what – now it’s “If we just had 150….” There’s no finish line—just an endless cycle of striving chasing the wind.

Studies consistently reveal that over a third of pastors would leave ministry today if they could find another career. Why? Because the pressure to achieve from within and without often leads to:

  • Burnout: Exhaustion from chasing unattainable goals.
  • Broken Families: Neglecting loved ones for the sake of ministry.
  • Spiritual Emptiness: Prioritising work for the Lord over personal connection with Him.

How to break free? Redefine success according to Jesus’ standards.

1. Loving God: The Foundation of Ministry Success

Jesus said that at its core, ministry is about loving God with everything you have—your heart, soul, and mind. Yet, many leaders unintentionally let their love for ministry replace their love for God.

Signs You’re Losing Focus

  • Bible study becomes sermon prep: When was the last time you read Scripture for your soul rather than for a sermon?
  • Ministry becomes your identity: Do you feel like your worth is tied to the size or success of your church or ministry?
  • Prayer feels like a chore: Is your time with God about loving and intimate connection, or is it just another task?

How to Rekindle Your Love for God

  • Prioritise personal worship: ‘Waste’ time with God just to enjoy His presence.
  • Reflect on the Gospel daily: Let the weight of Jesus’ sacrifice renew your awe and gratitude.
  • Ask the hard questions: Jesus asked Peter in John 21, “Do you love me?” Take time to answer this honestly. He’s who we are in this for after all.

Success begins with a heart fully surrendered to God. Without this foundation, everything else in ministry falls short.

2. Loving Your Neighbour: Ministry’s True Impact

Jesus calls us to love others as ourselves, starting with those closest to us and extending outward.

A. Love Your Family First

Your family is your first ministry. Ask yourself (if you’re brave enough ask them)

  • Do they feel loved and prioritised? Or do they feel like they come second to the church?
  • What’s their view of ministry? If you have a spouse and kids, do they love the church, or feel resentful? Many ministers have the ministry as a mistress.

To measure this, listen to their honest feedback and look at your schedule. Are you giving your family your best, or just what’s left over?

B. Love Your Congregation

True love for your congregation means viewing them as people, not metrics. The enemy of getting to know people is ironically getting more people! But we can Invest in their lives one at a time by:

  • Building relationships beyond Sunday mornings.
  • Celebrating their joys and mourning their sorrows.
  • Shepherding with patience and grace.

C. Love Your Community

Loving your neighbour also means loving your local community. God put you there for a reason and this goes beyond trying to attract people to your church; it’s about meeting real needs. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and as he was led by the Holy Spirit he healed the sick, feed the hungry, and caring for the marginalised.

Ask yourself:

  • Who are the overlooked in my city?
  • How can church I lead be a source of hope and restoration?

Loving your family, congregation, and community is how we fulfil Jesus’ call.

3. Getting off the treadmill of the “More” Mentality

The drive for constant growth—more people, more programs, more recognition—can be a toxic cycle.

Why “More” Doesn’t Satisfy

  • It’s a moving target: There’s always another milestone to chase.
  • It leads to emptiness: No amount of success can fill the void if you’ve lost sight of your purpose.
  • It drains your soul: Chasing numbers often comes at the expense of spiritual health.

How to Break Free

  • Shift your focus: Measure success by your faithfulness to God’s commands, not by worldly metrics.
  • Rest in God’s sovereignty: Trust that He controls the outcomes of your ministry. Your job is to plant seeds; God provides the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6).
  • Embrace contentment: Find joy in where God has placed you, not in where you wish you were.

Practical Steps for Ministry Leaders

  1. Set Healthy Boundaries: It’s vital to protect your time with God and your family.
  2. Redefine Your Goals: Instead of chasing growth, aim to deepen your love for God and your neighbour.
  3. Find a Support System: Surround yourself with mentors, peers and coaches who get this- who understand the unique challenges of ministry.
  4. Regularly Reflect: Ask yourself, “Am I loving God and people well?” Let this be your ultimate metric.

Final Thoughts: True Success in Ministry

The true definition of success isn’t found in attendance numbers, fundraising goals, or building campaigns. It’s found in this simple yet profound truth: Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

If you feel crushed by expectations, remember why you started when He called you: to glorify God on the earth and lead others to Jesus so they don’t miss heaven. Refocus on these core truths, and you’ll find a ministry that is both fruitful and fulfilling—not because of hitting the numbers, but because of the one thing that matters – love.

Start today by asking yourself:

  • Do I love God with all my heart, soul, and mind?
  • Am I loving my neighbour—my family, congregation, and community—as myself? (which by the way gives you permission to love yourself!)

It’s time to redefine success in a way that honours God and brings lasting joy to your ministry journey!

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