All Washed Up? Not According To The God Of Second Chances.

Lessons from Jonah 3

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: 

“Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”

 Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh.

Jonah 3:1-2

The story of Jonah is a whale of a tale offering powerful insights for any of us who may have slipped up, strayed from the path or stepped away from purpose, showing that we’re given another chance to make a meaningful impact – NOW!

I want to focus on Chapter 3 here exploring a few key lessons especially for leaders, with some practical takeaways for application. After the fish spat him out, Jonah was literally washed up, but when he dried out – the Word of God came again!

1. Answering the Call: The Power of Obedience
Jonah initially ran from his calling but God gave him a second chance – to do the same thing!

God didn’t change his mind, he waited until Jonah did. That’s because he didn’t need Jonah to be a genius, entrepreneurial or creative – he just wanted someone who’d do what he was told! I am coming to the point of realising most of the resistance I face is internal. The key to being used by God is to simply respond to the call and take action. Will we trust ourselves or God?

  • When faced with a challenge, run toward it rather than avoid it.
  • Be willing to pivot and take responsibility for past mistakes now
  • Don’t make God send a fish or a storm.

Takeaway: True leadership impact comes from about answering the call today, even when you’ve hesitated or messed up before.

2. Clear Communication Creates Transformation
Jonah’s message to Nineveh was simple yet powerful: “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!” He was just told to deliver the message and when he did, the people heard it and acted immediately with nationwide repentance. Everyone wore sackcloth – even the animals!

How many of us would have preferred to nuance the message, smoothed it off so it would sound at least a little more inclusive maybe (so we’d not be rejected?). But if he’d done that, no revival!

  • Get your messages from God, so you can deliver them for Him.
  • Concise, impactful communication resonates most deeply in a world of politicised gobbledegook.
  • Speak truthfully with conviction and you may not always be popular, but you will have power.

3. Humility and Accountability in Leadership
Who would have thought that the king of Nineveh could become a great example? What an encouragement for us to intercede for our national leaders not just criticise them. Conviction came and he didn’t ignore the warning—he humbled himself, took action, and led his people in repentance. The best leaders:

  • Acknowledge mistakes and show vulnerability.
  • Lead by example— the behaviours you see in your team are reflections of your leadership.
  • Foster a culture of honest accountability.

Takeaway: Leadership isn’t about ego that says ‘I don’t need to change’; it’s about first being the change you want to see.

4. Pray To The God of Second Chances – and Multiple Mercies!
Nineveh’s people didn’t just hear the message—they acted on it – as they fasted, prayed, and turned from their wicked ways. Surely this gives us a longing to pray for our nation to turn back to God?

Jonah was given another opportunity to fulfill his mission, and Nineveh was granted mercy when they responded.

I for one could easily feel guilty knowing that I haven’t prayed and fasted enough for a move of God, I have gone the other way by complaining about the nation, its leadership and moral messes rather than bringing it all to the Lord. That’s why today the first person who must receive the grace for that second chance is me!

I need the Word of God to come to me a second time…

From there, in gratitude, I can extend grace and bring the Word to others that:

  • Failure is never final—
  • Setbacks can become stepping stones and
  • The past doesn’t define anyone’s future because ‘today is the day of salvation.’


Thank God for yet another chance today!

We’ve all made mistakes and missed opportunities but if we will turn back to Him, it’s never too late for Him to turn things around.

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