2010 – the year of multiplication.

Go to our church website to download the vision talk I gave at the Forum on Sunday: ‘Ivy Manchester’s year of multiplication.’ Why multiplication? Do the maths!

Let’s say you preached at a crusade and won a thousand people to Christ every year for six years. That’s 6,000 people. Sounds good to you? Me too. But…

Think again: What if you mentored twelve people as Jesus did…and each of those twelve mentored twelve others?

Spiritual multiplication always beats addition:

You mentor 12 who mentor 12………….that equals 144.
They mentor 12…………………………….that equals 1,728.
They mentor 12…………………………….that equals 20,736.
They mentor 12…………………………….that equals 248,832.
They mentor 12…………………………….that equals 2,985,984.
They mentor 12…………………………….that surpasses the earth’s population.

One life at a time.

2 thoughts on “2010 – the year of multiplication.

  1. It’s been pointed out to me that the maths on this is all wrong. I can’t remember where I first read it, so I apologise for not checking that properly. However the comments pointing out the error were made by an anonymous person who has been in touch in other ways previously whom I don’t wish to correspond with. Anonymous commenters are no more welcome on my blog than phone calls offering me a great deal on new windows,

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