Three Priorities to Live for God Every Day (and teach others to do the same) – B.I.O.

How can we navigate the challenges of daily life while staying focused on God’s divine purpose? That’s where the B.I.O. concept comes in—a simple yet powerful framework that can guide us on our spiritual journey and help us lead others to do the same.

Jonathan Oloyede – P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens)

We are not meant to come to church and have the pastor tell us what to do. 

We are to come and tell the Pastor what God is doing! 

Will we have bottlenecks, or wildfire?! 

The leaders are necessary if they are there to provide guidance and support and discernment- but all through the week God should be breaking out through everyone. We need the Holy Spirit most of all!

James Emery White – Strategic Shifts to reach your culture for Christ – LAUNCH 23

RETHINK the ACT of Evangelism Think of a line, scale of 1 to 10. The person of yesterday in the 1950s, they would have had a positive view of Christianity and a sense of guilt or conviction when they broke the tenets of the faith. Based on that context, unchurched people who were at 7 or 8 on the scale already worked easily because they were nearly there already. Just a tract or a talk again. AN EVENT. Now; the contemporary unChristian might be on what – a 3? So how do we talk to them. We need PROCESS and Event. Pay attention to the process that helps them progress to a 5, to get them forward. CS Lewis said the gospel was first of all to people who were conscious of sin, and aware of the supernatural. But ‘I sometimes wonder other we shall have to reconvert people to real paganism’, before converting them to Christ. Move To Explanation We have moved from Acts 2 (When Peter told them – who were God fearing Jews, monotheists and had the […]

Rachel Jordan Wolf at LAUNCH. The Harvest is PLENTIFUL!

Talking Jesus Research The most important question anyone can ever answer is WHO IS JESUS?  That’s a big question.  Let’s ask the whole nation.  Found a jaw dropping answer the the question, ‘What do you think about the resurrection of Jesus?”  16% of the population of the UK ticked they believe the resurrection of Jesus happened – as described, from the Bible.  29% believe it yes it happened but not all the detail can be taken literally.  What about we talk with those people?  What if we helped them know what Easter really is about? We own Easter. We only have eggs and bunnies to compete with.  Could we work together as the people of the resurrected Jesus to help them meet him?  In 2017 the BBC went to Comres, wanted to show that more people believe in reincarnation. They found that was not true. But they ran the headline only that 41% don’t believe in the resurrection.  Remember the truth – not the BBC version.  45% of the people in our nation believe already enough for a great conversation.  […]

We Don’t Need Another Welsh Revival, We Need To Change The Church. Julian Richards. New Podcast Episode on Future Church.

This podcast details a story of miraculous provision and remarkable spiritual openness in our culture but we hear how Julian is convinced the answer for Wales (and everywhere else) is NOT for ‘another Welsh Revival’ dropped down from above, but by disciples faithfully serving, loving and winning their neighbours and nation for Christ. 

The Surprising Truth About What People Think About Jesus & The Church. Rachel Jordan-Wolf

EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, KNOWING JESUS. Well talk about a big vision! Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf will be joining us at this year’s LAUNCH to talk about how it can become a reality and I loved hearing from her in advance on the podcast. Rachel is executive director of HOPE Together in the UK, having worked closely with the initiative since 2010, when she was the Church of England’s National Mission and Evangelism Advisor. “I’m committed to evangelism being at the heart of the church,’ says Rachel, “Committed to mission and to the local church in villages, towns and cities, and committed to do this together across denominations and across ethnicities to make Jesus known with words and action. We are also committed to a new generation, engaging with Millennials and with digital culture as well.” LISTEN TO THE FUTURE CHURCH PODCAST where you’ll hear how as well as being an expert on the stats and demographics from surveys that she has commissioned so we can have a great deal of hope for the future church, Rachel as a passionate evangelist herself is seeing […]