Don’t ‘Share Your Faith,’ Introduce Jesus

Here’s the video talk we showed at all sites last week at

Lots of laughs from the guys doing door to door with various degrees of success, but the point at the back of it is one I want to challenge you with if you are a Jesus follower.

A lot of evangelism I have seen (and done) treats Jesus as a proposition to be argued for, rather than a person to be known. The main point Christianity differs from every other religion or philosophy on is OUR GUY IS ALIVE and you can know him and meet him and he still answers prayer.

This video and its 3 questions just scratches the surface of what we are going to look at in the weeks ahead in our new series PRAYER, CARE, SHARE but please remember, if you’re a Christ follower already Jesus sent people ahead of him to the places he was going to go, and then sent us where he promises to be with us always.

And if you don’t know him yet, where you are right now, whatever you’re going through, Jesus is there, waiting to be acknowledged and revealed. Have a word with the Word.