Rev Jack Shepherd – 5 Marks Of The Apostolic Resource Church

Jack is a CofE Vicar in Manchester Diocese. Here are my notes of what Jack shared for us at this week’s LAUNCH one day event in Leigh, Greater Manchester.

You don’t need to wait to tell others about Jesus! You don’t need to wait for money or resources. We have what we need, the Holy Spirit who lives in you. You can crack on! 

For 6 years Jack has looked into the theology of ‘Resource Churches’, many of which are being planted in the CofE and also in various networks globally. Through interviews he has defined 5 values common to all these churches: 

Reflect on how they are working out where you are? 

  • Which is strongest/ weakest in your church? 
  • What can you do now and next? 
  • Which should you prioritise? 

The most important thing about the church is the good news we have as the heartbeat of our mission. As we get that, it will shape everything.

Centres of Spirituality 

Prayer is the engine for the lifeboat. The presence of Jesus at the centre, not our own strengths. Think of Aidan and others getting into coracles, blown by the wind across the waves to start monastic mission centres. Cultivating the secret place in your heart. Go into that secret place regularly. Is there a place, practices, to regularly go to for dynamic prayer? Are our churches full of prayer? 

  • Processes of Evangelism 

Billy Graham preached to millions, but these days people who connect to the good news may not automatically connect to church. We need to look at the processes by which we become disciples who make disciples. Alpha? Other resources/ courses to equip. 

  • Contextual Revitalisation 

Jesus died and rose again! His Spirit now lives in YOU. So how do we do this? 

‘Honour the past, navigate change in the present and build for the future.’ (Mark Jobe) HTB have of course taken many empty churches and brought them back to life. Resource centres focus on celebrating strengths in their communities and partnering together – where is God already working? 

  • The ‘Now and the not yet’ 

The Kingdom of God has come (in part), and is coming (fully, when he returns). We are sent to invite people to surrender their lives to Christ, proclaiming ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ What is the kingdom coming going to look like where we are sent for Jesus? Hope! Life! Fresh vision! 

  • Testimony

There are so many amazing stories of what the Holy Spirit is doing. They build encouragement and faith proving that God really is with us. Remember your story, encourage others to tell theirs. Speak of the actual actions of God in this real world and how we can share and live that story. Blackpool church had a great vision – ‘Let’s Rewrite The Headlines!’

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