Uniting in Prayer to Show that We Care

Mobilising our churches to pray for our police service. Tens of thousands are now signed up to this national campaign started here in Manchester following the tragic shootings this week. at 11am tomorrow we will stand in silent remembrance and pray for the families and friends of PC Fiona Bone and PC Nicola Hughes, and praying with gratitude for all who ‘serve and protect’ in our Police Service. Full details at this link – http://ow.ly/dR436

Tears, Rage and Prayers for Murdered GMP Police Women

I wanted to be a police officer since I was thirteen, and at 16 my dream came true when I joined GMP Police Cadets. After that two years I served 10 years in various roles as a Constable, with some of the bravest and best people imaginable. As I wrote in my book ‘Diamond Geezers’ my concept of true friendship was forged during those years, and in some senses it spoilt me for what sometimes passes as friendship in the rest of the world. In the church I have made some great friends too, but such terms as brother/sisterhood are sometimes bandied around too easily as religious concepts among people who are Sunday acquaintances; but while not wanting to be over sentimental, when you’ve been through that dangerous door with someone, or fought alongside them in a dirty pub as the pint pots fly past – you learn who your friends are. My best mate is still one such man I faced fear down alongside with. The call that every Bobby worth their salt would abandon everything to run to […]