There are too many naked Christians. I was reading through Ephesians 6 today – very familiar passage to most of us who connect regularly with the Bible and that phrase popped into my head! It struck me how often we just view this as metaphorical, rather than vital. We don’t wear what we’ve been told to wear. Put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. So here’s why we fall. Why we don’t keep standing. We go out into a battlefield without the armour on. I have this picture sometimes of something like the D Day landings – Saving Private Ryan– bombs, bullets, blood sweat and tears. Then through the middle of it all is a guy walking across the beach with his Labrador. Totally oblivious! That’s the church. Wondering why we get so many wounded. Leaders too – supposedly, taken out so easily, so often, so soon. When I was in the police, I spent a lot of […]