The Commitments You Make, Make You.

Why Commitment Matters The word “commit” means to pledge, dedicate, and give oneself fully to a purpose. Yet, we live in a world that resists commitment. Many fear making commitments, worried they might miss out on something better. Ironically, the opposite is true—by avoiding commitment, we miss out on the greatest opportunities life has to offer. As I approach my 6th decade soon, I see looking back that everything that’s great in my life came on the other side of a commitment I have made and kept. The Bible reminds us: “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways and should not think he will receive anything from the Lord” (James 1:8). History and experience show that those who accomplish great things do so because they fully commit. Nobody ever went out for a walk and found themselves at the top of Everest. You don’t accidentally achieve greatness; it requires intentional dedication. The Impact of Commitment in Ministry I write this blog with church leaders in mind – and hopefully you know that commitment is key to a thriving […]

Why The Church Must Be Clear On Its Message

We Must Point Everyone to Jesus I am fully convinced that every single person I will ever meet would be better off with Jesus Christ at the centre of their life. This is not a religion I am a fan or follower of – I know the transforming relationship with God that he alone offers will provide forgiveness, healing, guidance, power, purpose, meaning and eternal security. We must share this by pointing to Jesus (not ourselves, our churches or programs) because he is the only Son of God, heaven’s greatest gift to humanity. Do you believe this? I am talking to church leaders here. In 1995 I spent most of the night before I was ordained in the Church of England trying to discourage someone else from taking that step into church leadership too – why? Because over the few days retreat beforehand (which was meant to be spent in silence) he clearly stated that he did not believe Jesus is the Son of God, or that people need a Saviour. I couldn’t imagine what he thought the ‘job’ entailed […]

FIND YOUR PLACE ON THE WALL: Lessons in Leadership from Nehemiah 3

As church leaders, we must guard against distractions, detractors and disunity. The person working next to you is never the enemy. Our calling is to build God’s Kingdom together, strengthening the foundations, clearing away rubble, and constructing something stronger than before.

Running your Race: Lessons on Spiritual Growth from Parkrun and Paul

In Christianity spiritual growth is not meant to be a solo endeavour – though there have definitely been times I wish it was because people are hard to love and I can be heard to live with!

Every Disciple Is Meant To Have A Deliverance Ministry!

One woman slept nightly with her pet python sprawled across her body. Eventually, the snake stopped eating so she was worried about it. A vet discovered the snake was curling itself around her to size her up, and starving itself as preparation to devour her!

Church Without Walls – How To Build Missional-Attractional Church That Transforms Communities

The poor, the lost, the hurting, and the broken are not problems to be solved or burdens to be borne; they are gifts to us, because they help us experience God’s grace afresh as we meet Jesus in their faces

BECOMING A HIGH IMPACT CHURCH – 1. Measure What Matters Most

What we measure determines what we think success is. 
Most churches still tend to measure by the ABCs:  
These are useful, but not optimal – or even biblical! 
Being BIG, WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL does not necessarily mean a church is healthy (as we have seen so graphically and too in recent years). 
HOW Does God measure success?