SERMON NOTES for Sunday 2 Feb 2025 – SHAPE (Personality)

Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” — Personality: Understanding How God Made Me  – God made each of us unique, and He loves variety!   – Personality tests can help us understand ourselves and others.   Recommended Test: DISC – see  Other Personality Tools you may have heard of?    – The Big Five   – Myers-Briggs (e.g., Extrovert vs. Introvert)   – These tools provide insights but don’t define you—God does!   — Lessons from Cain and Abel (Genesis 4) – Cain and Abel both gave offerings to God.   – Abel gave his F________ and B___________ with faith and love.   – Cain gave “some” of what he had produced (different attitude).   Key Takeaways:  – Abel loved to G__________ and his offering was accepted because HOW he gave, not WHAT he gave.  – Cain lived to G______   and his jealousy and bitterness led to anger, but God warned him:  “Sin is crouching at your door…you must rule over it” (Genesis 4:7).   — Generosity Is Not a P_______________________  […]

FIND YOUR PLACE ON THE WALL: Lessons in Leadership from Nehemiah 3

As church leaders, we must guard against distractions, detractors and disunity. The person working next to you is never the enemy. Our calling is to build God’s Kingdom together, strengthening the foundations, clearing away rubble, and constructing something stronger than before.

Running your Race: Lessons on Spiritual Growth from Parkrun and Paul

In Christianity spiritual growth is not meant to be a solo endeavour – though there have definitely been times I wish it was because people are hard to love and I can be heard to live with!

New ‘Future Church Podcast’ Episode – Ness Wilson (Pioneer)- Unleashing the Word and Spirit through the church

It’s been a little while since I did a podcast but I have a few great new ones lined up so hit subscribe if you’ve not already done so. Ness is a great friend so full of wisdom I always enjoy meeting with her and I think that comes across as we talk. I’m so excited that she will be joining us again at LAUNCH this year, I made the mistake one year of not having her Keynote and trying to have her do a seminar instead and so many tried to cram in there I’ll not make the same mistake again this year! Book here now before the early bird misses the worm! Listen to the podcast here – or on your favourite streaming platform search for Future Church with Anthony Delaney

From Crowd Building To Disciple Making – Maturity Through Mission & Multiplication

It’s Time to Grow Up.  
Ephesians 4:14-15 says none of us are meant to stay as spiritual infants. I’ve met people in churches who’ve told me they’ve been Christians for 30 years – when the truth is they’ve actually been Christian for one year, 30 times!

Every Disciple Is Meant To Have A Deliverance Ministry!

One woman slept nightly with her pet python sprawled across her body. Eventually, the snake stopped eating so she was worried about it. A vet discovered the snake was curling itself around her to size her up, and starving itself as preparation to devour her!

Church Without Walls – How To Build Missional-Attractional Church That Transforms Communities

The poor, the lost, the hurting, and the broken are not problems to be solved or burdens to be borne; they are gifts to us, because they help us experience God’s grace afresh as we meet Jesus in their faces

Redefining Ministry Success. Stop Hitting The Wrong Target.

The old way Pastors used to brag was how many people I have in my church (newsflash – it’s not yours). The new way in the circles I move in is ‘how many churches I’ve planted….’
But what if the true measure of success in ministry isn’t about numbers or achievements?


Heaven’s desire and decree is for 2025 to be a year of EXPANSION as the Lord is calling us to stretch wider, dig deeper, and expand beyond what we have yet experienced or ever imagined.
Here’s how I want this vision to inspire and shape my own leadership in 2025 and I invite you to consider it too.