If You’re Going To Build A Rescue Boat, Check For Leaks #bgbg2

(Snippet from tomorrow’s talk. Will be on podcast next week) Noah was told to build a rescue boat. And that’s what the church is meant to be by the way. This week the CofE put out a report highlighting how good it was that some churches were growing. The headlines on twitter simply declared,‘Good news! Many churches are growing!’ I was really excited, but then  I looked at the actual figures in the middle and in fact since 2010 – 18% of their churches are growing, great. But 55% are plateauing and 27% declined. Later on we read that nearly half of churches have less than 5 under 16s. That’s not good news. Reporting it as such is disingenuous. Surely these figures highlight a problem? If it was a business you’d say ‘It’s change or die time.’ You have to face the bad news, before you can be good news. I’m passionate about this because I’m still convinced that the local church is the hope of the world! We have to recognize the seriousness of our time and build churches and […]

Ivy Missions feedback evening

Subject: Ivy Missions feedback evening Great night tonight; these are the main prayer points I took from these charities we are delighted to partner with.? Light – LZ7 Thousands of salvations & help with self harm & suicidal thoughts. Music & sport opportunity to start Light hubs. New office – Ludgate Hill. Down to last 4 to Be support act for Katie Perry! Witts – Dignity: told us of team leaders in Zambia whose house blew down; travelled 800 m to go to a village: Jesus had already appeared to them in visions! Ground prepared. Some of the countries he’s involved in like Namibia now you won’t see a church for 300 miles. His guys are going out and growing churches and it’s spreading. Lots of translation needed! Pressure!! These are people who act as tent makers etc, cos Africa won’t be won by crusades. Besom Has seen some growth over the last 10 years. Aims to have a simple process to help people who want to help & those who are in need. Needs a new leader for the […]

Life’s 3 Options #bgbg2

One of the things I have often been challenged about by God, and it draws close to me every day in terms of what I worry about or get concerned about, is the issue of WHO IS MY PROVIDER going to be? Who do I see as responsible for providing for what I need? Your answer to that will have you living in one of three ways. You’ll be a BEGGAR, A DIGGER, OR A GIVER. Jesus told a parable, a story with meaning, in Luke 16:1-13. It’s a bit of a weird one about a man who suddenly finds himself in financial difficulty. The major point, which it’s always safest to go with in parables, is that he thought he’d always have enough, but now the future’s closing him down fast. And the internal dialogue the guy has with himself there leads me to these three ways to live. Have a read yourself. He says ‘I’m too proud to beg, and I’m not strong enough to dig,’ so he ends up getting very creative in the area of generosity […]

Pete Hale at Ivy Manchester – Genesis 2 & 3

Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus tells the story of a generous landowner and we see here how lavish he is and that can even make people angry! In Genesis 2 he says ‘you can eat anything’ enjoy But one day the tempter came along and eventually they ate, and now they felt embarrassed. They hid away from God. What stops us from receiving all God has, is our weaknesses. Pete is a cookery teacher. He demonstrates a dish, and the kids do what he says But one day, he showed them a chilli. He warned them – these things are hot. Make sure you wash your hands. One kid didn’t listen. Him and his mate just had to rub their fingers on the chilli, then rubbed each other on the face. ‘It doesn’t hurt!’ And Pete thought ‘Wait and see.’ Argh!!!! How do I get it off?!!! It started with curiosity Then pride that you got away with it Then – ‘how do I make it stop??!!’ And then, we are embarrassed. Most of what we are tempted by we also embarrassed […]

2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 15,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 6 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. Click here to see the complete report.