How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth?
Alan Taylor on Authority & the Absalom spirit
Notes by Anthony for Grow Groups based on Alan Taylor’s Evening talk : Authority God has given us an impossible task – and authority to do it. Eph 2:10 Nobody has ever grown in God without living under authority – which is the way to have authority. Pray for our nation and its young people especially with regard to disorder on the streets. There are things God has put inside you that won’t be unlocked unless you learn to live under authority Literally the word authority means ‘that which settles a matter.’ These days we google things to settle matters, it’s become an authority! What’s the final authority for Christians? Also the word means – the word of the Author God is the Author- do we give him authority? In what ways might we demonstrate that? God draws us to himself as a loving Father, into the story he has written for you. Authority = being under the Author. One Bible character who lived contrary to being under authority = Absalom. Find where he appears in the Bible. (Leaders help […]
DEBRA GREEN: Nehemiah 10 – 13. The house of God.
Debra rounded off our series tonight. She began by talking about competing voices – a time in the week when there were 2 sat navs going in the church, which one do we listen to? God’s word to is the Bible, and Nehemiah kept having to come back to that, and call people back to what the Lord had said. 10:28 Now the rest of the people—the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Nethinim, and all those who had separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, everyone who had knowledge and understanding— these joined with their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and His ordinances and His statutes. At what age can a child understand and come into the things of God? Josh 24:15 – Choose who you will serve! As for me […]
Lynn Swart: True or False? Sermon at Ivy MCR today on Nehemiah 6:9-14
Nehemiah could smell a rat because he knew the fragrance of heaven.
Why I believe – part 4. Why tomorrow is GOOD Friday
You don’t know why the cross happened? Why tomorrow is ‘Good’ Friday? One verse of the Bible sums it up – 1 Peter 3:18 Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.
Why I believe – Part 3: The Crux of the matter
Many hundreds of thousands of crosses, but we only remember this one. Those who were dying usually shouted and swore and cursed those who put them there. Here’s what Jesus said: in Luke 23 – ‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
Why I Believe – Part 2 (Does Jesus qualify as God?)
…he expected not just to be respected as a rabbi, a prophet, a holy man, but to be worshipped and adored by all creation, all people and even the angels as the Lord, the only God.
Why I believe – Part 1.
I heard the Marxist phrase about religion being ‘the opiate of the people,’ which made me sound clever in the pub and came to regard Jesus as a mythical figure, or if he did ever exist he was either a irrelevant prophet or a religious nutcase out to stop people from having fun.
Ecclesiastes 5: Motor Mouth.
Kris Tucker at Ivy Mcr. This forms our grow group notes for this week: ‘I will let my words be few…’ Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-7 Some of us love silence. Others can’t wait to fill it with something. which are you?! Kris shared a time when he went to the beach to get really quiet, but there was no way he could get quiet inside. Even when we are in silence- do we wait ‘long enough to hear the silence itself.’ Mother Teresa: ‘God is the friend of silence.’ Are you? How do you get on with silence? Do you see it as a friend? Have a time of silence… Then discuss! God said to Kris: ‘Your worship is one style – you come to me with lots of words.’ This passage tells us, there is a time for silence. How do we make time for silence in busy lives? Kris then showed us a video clip from The Blue Planet- about a Blue Whale. Watch something like that, (link below) then put your hand over your mouth, and silently stand […]
Alan Taylor at Ivy MCR on Ecclesiastes 2
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 Haagan Daas ice cream advert – says it gives you the desires of your heart in a way that lasts and lasts. Yeah, right. Advertisers know we are wired for pleasure What’s that got to do with God? It has everything to do with him because you were made to be a worshipper Where are your desires? Do you enjoy God? If you do, you can have everything else! Solomon’s wealth has been estimated at $126 Billion! We live in a hedonistic world. Check out the student lifestyle- sex and drugs and party to truly be ALIVE. It promises life. The bible warns of the evil desires of youth. Some never grow up! Pleasure in anything else but God will not satisfy, neither will performance. How do we know? Solomon tested it. Other are testing it now and being broken in the tests. Wine and folly: 33,000 deaths in UK every year through alcohol. Look at any casualty dept to see this incredible brokenness. 40% in casualty there through alcohol. Do not be drunk with wine, be filled […]