After all, if a Catholic and an Anglican could walk on water, surely a Baptist could!
Jesus our Captain takes us away from shore to the wider seas
Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.
Get on the train
The facts of what we call the gospel are not just facts we can decide to take or leave as we like, like that Neptune was discovered in 1846.
Paying the price of revival in India
She lost all her teeth for preaching in the streets, then went back two weeks later, forgave – and there was revival.
Jesus in Pizza Hut
Spiritual recharging, emotional recharging, mental recharging.
Financial crisis – sinister global agenda?
Without doubt this economic crisis – and the chaos that follows – will present individuals and organizations opportunities that would never otherwise be pursued during times of normality. It’s hard to not to expect anything different. After all, the firemen who are now trying to douse the flames are the same people who started the fire.
Good and ready?
What have you spent today doing? God is saying “Don’t waste your life! Don’t squander your one and only life by missing the opportunities God gives you to do good!”
You can do what you can do
The poor are with us, in our cities nearby and in nations everywhere. You can help them any time you want. Sponsor a child, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit the prisoner – and you’re doing it to Jesus
You know what signs do? They point to something or someone.
If I’m going to meet someone in another city and I see a sign pointing to that city I don’t get out and hug the sign – I follow it and it helps me get to the person…I’m praying for signs
Walking in the light?
with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light