For where he wants to take you, there are scriptures you need to live in. Any promise in there is yours. The Bible says ‘God is no respecter of persons’ That means you can become like that person and have that experience they did.
Tag: Jesus
How are you known in heaven?
Jesus came to his home town, stood up to read – and read from the wrong place! Isaiah 61. ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…’
What was he saying? ‘This is how I am known in heaven…’
What would you like to be known in heaven for? What are you going to do now that will matter then?
Your true identity
When you know who you, are you know how you’re supposed to live.
Problem – Promise – Provision – POSSIBILITY!
Stop praying like a widow – and start praying like a bride. A woman who knows she’s loved by her husband knows she can get anything she wants from him.
Carrying on from my Graham Cooke notes for Ivy Grow Groups again! Sorry these are a little late and thanks for the reminder, I have been at New Wine LSE which was fabulous but very busy and little opportunity for internet access. PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER: Pray for Ivy as people go away for summer, many at festivals like New Wine (some for refreshing, others to work) Pray for the meetings continuing on Sundays at Ivy Didsbury at 10am (short family services) and 1130am (no children’s provision) STUDY: Isaiah 42:8 “I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 48:11 “For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act; For how can My name be profaned? And My glory I will not give to another.” Discuss: What do you think God meant by not sharing his glory with another? Graham Cooke said, “You say ‘He won’t share his glory with another!’ Well you’re not another. You’re his and you’re in him. If you’re […]
Mike Pilavachi – the Spirit & the desert – New Wine LSE
We look at the NT then at our lives & see something missing! Lk 3:21f Trinitarian event. We all love being affirmed. Jesus was affirmed – and publicly! It wasn’t whispered but a shout from heaven. Then – 4;1 he was driven in the desert. Why? Spiritual equation – Led to the desert Filled with the Spirit Then used by the Spirit. The desert place is not the devil’s place. Joseph had his from 17 to 30 Moses had his from 40 to 80 He thought he was God’s gift. Till the desert, the burning bush. Who am I that I should go? Was he hoping for affirmation? Answer? I will go with you. That’s not the answer Because Moses is asking the wrong question Should be – who are you? Moses has been in Midian 40 years. Hot, dry, big, quiet, sand. That’s all there is to see about the desert. Not a day trip Not a week There’s only so many sand castles you can build. But in the desert – It’s just you and God And that’s […]
The BEST Marriage – available at the Kindle store
Just finished the wedding of a fab Ivy couple. Congrats to Pete and Chloe!
They field-tested my new book as part of their marriage prep.
Graham Cooke – BRILLIANT THINKING: Leader’s evening at Ivy Manchester
GREAT start to our time this weekend, Graham spoke BRILLIANTLY about thinking BRILLIANT. Tomorrow at the Armitage Centre we’ll hear more. Excited to partner with our friends from Christ Church Harpurhey and Vinelife, It’s not too late to book in – here. Here’s my notes from tonight… Around 25 years ago had 3 dreams: 1) a grey man in an old car was showing him round the grey city pointing out all the sin and problems in people, with a grey attitude. Depressing! Dream 2 – grey man in slightly better grey car saying, ‘We are doing courses to help them’ – that was even more depressing. Dream 3 – Bright young guy in a bright car, shouting encouragement that told them who they really were and it CHANGED the people! ‘This is how I see you – you’re going to be doing this!’ The city changed! The church has an old vehicle being driven by an old man. The old man is the old man that was put on Jesus. We don’t need to do that. God isn’t focused […]
FRANK GREEN: The Awesome Power of God
As part of the Message 20 year celebrations, Frank did a mega-marathon preach at Ivy recently. I was privileged to hear some of the talks, and will put my notes from some of them on here, but the notes don’t do it justice! Get the full set of teaching on CD here by making a donation to the Message charity Mark 4:35-5:43</strong> There’s a lot of power at work in these stories collected by Mark. Power can be abused with terrible consequences. The whole creation has been hurt by the ABUSE of power but Jesus puts it right and reverses and renews it by the ABBA-use of power. By the end of Chapter 5 it’s 4-0 to Jesus. he beats the storm, the devils, sickness and even death. It’s breathtaking! Power over the Deep (4:35-41) The disciples were beginning to see many signs of who Jesus really was. The messiah? Yet different than what they expected. God was seen in the OT ruling over and subduing that place that was most scary for the Israelites – the sea. The boat […]
@Mike_Breen at @IvyManchester – the Prodigal SONS
These are my notes from the talk, with some questions for Grow Groups to consider and discuss together. PRAY: Thanks to God for IVY KINGSWAY! What a great way to start off our new service there at Cineworld Didsbury. Next Sunday we’ll have the lights in too that we’ve partnered with the cinema in buying, it’ll be even better! Father’s Day Mike said his talk is for those who have felt that your walk with God is drifting or has drifted. Because God wanted us CLOSE. Question – Do you feel close to God right now? How do you know when you are? Read 1 John 3:1 – How great is the love of the Father that he has LAVISHED on us that we should be called the children of God! That’s what we are! Question – Discuss the word Lavish. What images does it bring to mind? The story of the Prodigal son is actually all about the Father and how he relates to 2 different types of people: Read the story together and look at the setting in Luke […]