Sketchy notes from a fantastic recent talk I heard Andy give at the Message offices Acts 9. Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord. 5 types of blessing there! (Count them for yourself) Healthy things grow. Sometimes there’s pruning for growth. If it ain’t growing, do something! Emerging church is okay, as long as it emerges! Because if we all sit around theologising while the world goes to hell… if we don’t proclaim this gospel – who else will? How did that fivefold blessing come? Paul hit the ground running. Vs 19 – he went from someone who hated the church, to someone who loved the church. Then, ‘at once’ we was preaching Jesus is Son of God, to the world. So often new Christians are the best – don’t let anyone dampen the fire! Have we lost our first love? All who heard him were astonished. Paul’s still a baby Christian – but […]
Tag: Prayer
Doug Addison on Prophetic Evangelism
What a great night at Ivy Manchester! As promised – here are my notes from Doug’s teaching tonight. The talk will be up on the church website for download in a couple of days. People say ‘I’m spiritual, not religious’ The world has changed, evangelism hasn’t caught up. This is an addition to the toolkit: Prophetic Evangelism. 2 scary words! He’s been PRACTISING this for years. If we have a good product, with eternal benefits – but people don’t want it, we need a marketing meeting! We have had good intentions – but that’s not enough. We have to become missionaries to the UK. What do missionaries do? Figure out what people already believe. Study the language and the culture – fit the message into where people are. Not changing the message, just changing the way you share it. Most people are open to Jesus, and to the power of God. We have to come up with ways to connect with people. Today, if people are spiritual, that’s half way home – cos God is spiritual – and he’s in […]
Still Small Voice
What does this mean? “A still, small voice?”
One thing leads to another
When things occur in our generation that previous generations would have been appalled at, watch out!
Daniel Fast : Consistency Counts
When you pray, when you worship – do you go for GOD?! Surely we want to encounter GOD!? We don’t just want answers – we want the One who is the Answer. We want His face not just his hand. We don’t just pray to meditate and think things through ourselves . Of course we want understanding and revelation and strength and wisdom and answered prayer– but not for their own sake!
Daniel Fast day one: Entering the King’s service!
We’re going through a series on Bible heroes at the moment on Sundays. Yesterday’s focus was on Daniel. If we were going to look for longevity in consistent wisdom in the Bible, I’d probably want to make a case for Daniel. Lots of other guys started out well and finished badly. Or they had a very chequered past and came through at the end. But Daniel had the kind of testimony sometimes people underplay – they feel they have to leave the church maybe and get into drugs or something so they come back having made good, then they’ll really have a testimony. I often counsel teens in church – YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THAT! You can have a story that says, “God has been faithful to me all my life, and he’s helped me live faithfully too.” That is a powerful story! He was just a human being like us, but Daniel’s exemplary character leave him as one of very few people in the Bible who gets 5 stars all the way through his life, one of a […]
Where are you going?
the challenge to our church to see 1000 new people come to Christ in the next two years. Sounds like quite a tall order, but 3000 were added at Pentecost in a day and here in Manchester really it just needs everyone we presently have coming to be praying, witnessing and inviting more!
8000 waves break on the shore every day. One every eight seconds.
It’s a great picture of God’s grace, love and blessing.
Financial crisis – sinister global agenda?
Without doubt this economic crisis – and the chaos that follows – will present individuals and organizations opportunities that would never otherwise be pursued during times of normality. It’s hard to not to expect anything different. After all, the firemen who are now trying to douse the flames are the same people who started the fire.
God speaks through Dreams: Walking with the King
In the dream I was stationed on duty outside a great palace like Buckingham Palace, dressed like one of the soldiers in ceremonial dress with the Busby hat on – as an ex police officer I’ve done my fair share of standing still and ‘guarding!’ Suddenly I was aware that I had a new assignment.