Lucy Smith at Ivy Church – Filled to Follow

Revelation is meant to lead us into a face to face with God. To experience Him MORE. ‘We are designed to be people of ever increasing breakthrough’ Bill Johnson There is no kingdom formula It’s a relationship It’s about being filled, and following. The bible contrasts the flesh with the Spirit Go with the flesh, get the results of Gal 5:19-21 But then Jesus doesn’t just forgive us He fills us! We go from fear to freedom because the Spirit comes, like at Pentecost. The most powerful life is one that is filled and free – and fruity! Jesus went to the Father so this could happen. So we could be filled with the Holy Spirit. So are you free Are you filled Are you fruity?! How do you walk with the Spirit? 1) Read the Word It’s living, it’s active. Read it thinking – What happens there, can happen here! 2) Set your mind and intentions on things above We end up saying the craziest things in worship don’t we? Totally all out for God. Maybe that’s the real […]

I nominate YOU for this challenge – what are you going to do?

It started with one person, having water poured all over them. It was because of a disease, 3 letters sum up the disease. That person challenges other people, calls them by name. If and when that person responds, they get water poured all over them too, then they challenge their friends and family and people and people they work with maybe. And it’s like, ‘What are you going to do about this?’

Galatians 4 – @mattyhawthorne at Ivy Sharston

If you live under the law you’re inviting God to judge you on how well you keep the law. How will you do with loving God and people perfectly Parables = two things thrown down side by side Like the Pharisee and the tax collector. We pick sides quickly – it’s not so cut & dried in real life. Tax collectors did pretty well – it was a booming business. The fact that Jesus was friends with people like that said a lot about Jesus, not them. But the sinner is justified not the plaster saint Pharisee. The religious add on the list of conditions to the position of being children of God. They say ‘we are the sons of Abraham’ But Paul tells the Galatians – yes but Abraham had 2 sons – One represents law One represents promise One is the son of a slave – Ishmael. No miracle there. One is Isaac – where life came to what was dead. It’s 2 covenants – 2 ways 1) unbelief, make it happen yourself 2) trust and rest in […]

2 Ways To Live – Alan Taylor @ivychurchhub

Galatians 4:8-20 Have you ever seen someone who starts off full of joy in God. But then they lose focus, lose grace – end up a pain to be around. This church went like that completely. The simple message of grace they embraces was getting very complicated. Imagine someone being told at adoption ‘we will love you in this family -,if and when you follow the rules’ There are 2 ways to live Law or Grace Which way are you living? Law = it’s all about what you know Grace = being known Paul says going to live by law is just as bad as living that pagan life. We can trade the old life problems for new Give up drink Take up religious Pharisaism More impt than knowing God is being known by him. What does it mean to be known by God? To know that he is your Father and you are a son. An inheritor. God knows you as a loving father loves his beloved son. Got a problem with the idea of father? When we want […]

Philip Jinadu – Free To Serve at @Detlingsummer

People get on edge when they hear the word evangelism. We used to get the evangelists come to the church: Big bible, stories, miracles, wife. But God wants to set you up to win. 1 Cor 9:19-23 Paul’s secret of evangelism? Connect to the people where they are, to win them to Christ. Become a servant to them for the sake of the gospel. Evangelism isn’t about what you know- It’s about: 1) Who we are He starts off by saying he knows who he is. If you know who you are in Christ, you’ll share him. Let your light shine. Jesus says I AM the light of the world. The salt of the earth. This is who you are because he is in you That’s plural, not singular It’s not ‘you in your small dark corner and you in mine.’ It’s you together – plural – are the light, singular. Nothing changes about the light, it’s all about position. If you put it under a bowl it lights nobody else. The church is better than you think. More powerful […]

You Foolish Mancuniuns! Matty Hawthorne at Ivy Sharston

We are a church that gets this message of grace. But one survey said 81% of Christians believe Christianity is primarily as rule keeping. We have to get grace, and Galatians is all about that. New believers there were being told it was Jesus plus that saved us The OT – the law was 613 rules The NT – Heb 8 : it’s on your heart and mind. The law… Of love 1 John – his commands are not burdensome We live under one covenant only Eph 2:12 says law was never an option for Gentiles anyway It’s new covenant or nothing for us, foreigners to the covenant. It says ‘I will forgive their sins & remember them no more’ Removed! Jesus death and resurrection bought it for us For there to be an inheritance there has to be a death The covenant takes effect then There’s a great dividing line in history Moses came down with the tablets They say ‘we will do it all’ Then they make a golden calf Being under the law is like having a […]

Debby Wright at #NewWine14

We are here as a people of the presence. Years ago she felt God kept stirring her to make a difference to prostitutes. 10 years on, she got connected to a drop in centre, and started to volunteer every Friday. Found people with such broken lives. One girl was a prisoner in her own home, abused by her partner – but refused prayer, over and over. Finally she allowed it. When she got to her house she found the only man who had ever been kind to her in her life was outside. He threw the guy out, and he drove away drunk – and got arrested and out of the picture. We can’t do anything in our own strength. Isaiah 55 God wants to satisfy us. David learned to go to God & be satisfied That prepared him to be King God remembered David’s heart for him, more than his sin. That David wanted to be His. Only Jesus can quench our thirst. He wants to feed us And others through him When you overflow, you can’t help but […]

Robby Dawkins – how leaders can help grow their churches in the miraculous t

Notes from a meeting at New Wine 14. Most of it was Robby, some from others. 1. Keep stories of miracles – in & out of the church, of people stepping out; and ‘free to fail’ services That it doesn’t have to be successful You have a value of risk taking – in home groups, on the streets. 2 Step up yourself. Once a quarter/ a month – step out. Pull people in front of everyone and model it. Walk through the model of prayer – one to one. If it doesn’t seem to ‘work’ – you’re I’m that now and not yet deal, it’s okay. Get the kids to pray, or people who have never prayed for someone before Or ‘anyone with problem with shoulder?’ Anyone feel God doesn’t use you in prayer? Get over and put your hands on them and say this… 3.Pray the way Jesus prayed. The way the apostles prayed – ‘shoulder be healed…’ 4. What if they don’t get healed? Don’t avoid this! Take a risk. Say something you normally wouldn’t Do something you […]