It’s true we don’t know the future, but that fear can mean the moment we are in pauses the mission we are on – which is to make the name of Jesus known.
I think you’ll love listening to this wide ranging and prescient interviews as we discussed subjects including but not limited to Quiet Quitting in Church, Yoga, CS Lewis and what makes great literature!
“We just kept circling back to the kinds of fruit that we’re hoping to see in the lives of people and in our kind of church body and because of that, in our community and in our world,
And so we really kind of shifted the game and said, well then instead of focusing on, “Here’s our big church vision that we want you to get in line and get on board with and help us build, we really kind of turn the table and said we want to come alongside people and help them figure out what they’re kind of discipleship path our discipleship plan looks like, and that’s what we’re going to put our energies as a staff and as leaders – asking “What does discipleship look like for you?’” and we wanna walk with people and help them really establish what are the tools and resources we can provide as a church to help people on their journey so ultimately we’re putting spiritual growth back in the hands of people and saying we want to walk alongside of them and help them with that…’