‘There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall…’
Tag: Jesus
Why Do We Say The Bible Has Authority And What Does That Mean?
The Church Does Not Need More Christians
The word disciple occurs 269 times in the New Testament. “Christian” is found three times. The New Testament is a book about disciples, by disciples, and for disciples of Jesus Christ, who made it clear that to follow him means we must become his disciple. But the church has made it possible for the vast majority of those in its ranks to be ‘Christians’ without becoming disciples of Jesus.
The churches of the Western world have not made discipleship a condition of being a Christian, so churches are filled with ‘undiscipled disciples’ – though of course in reality there is no such thing.
Slaves Do Tasks, Sons and Daughters Take Responsibility.
Creating An Inter Generational Flourishing Church – Glyn Barrett
MIKE PILAVACHI – – What Might God Be Saying About Church Going Forward?
Flying In Fog – How To Lead When You Can’t See What’s Coming
Jesus is my best friend, because he’s the friend of sinners
We don’t tend to focus on ‘friendship’ as an outcome of Jesus’ life and death, resurrection and friendship because, well, it’s not so much of a big deal is it? Not lined up alongside all those theological words like redemption and atonement. But what if really is the deal. That God wants to be with us, even though we have acted as his enemies, he wants us to be friends forever. What if those things in which we rightly glory are just the way into a room, the corridors, the hallway. But friendship, is the destination. Do we just hang out in the hall, or step into the room and sit at the table?