Going through transition and change well.

From staff meeting today – thanks Dave Challis, & Paul Scanlon. Amos 9 Here the order seems wrong There’s so much change going on at once it feels out of synch You think change is difficult? Try irrelevance Change is always personal It’s not just a system or a process It’s not the change that mixes you up It’s the transition Leaders will always get there first Followers will take their time You could change by being married But not do the transition of living like a married person You could say a prayer and make a decision to follow Christ But have you transitioned to be a disciple? The grief cycle applies to change too; People deny it or its need May resist it Then begin to explore it Before committing to the new way God says ‘Moses is dead – move on now Joshua.’ There’s a gap between where you were and where you’re going People fall through that gap if you don’t help them in that neutral zone. That place is a great opportunity time actually – […]

Andy Hawthorne at Ivy Kingsway ‘Let my people go’

Exodus 7 Moses had the longest apprenticeship ever. 80 years long. How frustrating! John Norman came to the Message and said God often takes those he uses through these stages- 1 Appointed 2 Disappointed 3 Anointed Are you in the disappointed stage? Moses was in that place for 40 years in the desert. The impulsive Moses of Ex 3 The hesitant Moses of Ex 4 The triumphant Moses of Ex 5 Wouldn’t be able to do it. In chapter 7 he’s coming into his anointing. Remember this is not a kids story. It’s a real historical story and a parable with us to learn from. We are on a rescue mission. God is angry about sin. About how it messes you and the world up. How the thief keeps stealing, killing and destroying. The bible says clearly if we harden ourselves toward God we will experience judgement. Preachers don’t preach this any more because we are nicer than God. God brought plagues, disasters, darkness on Egypt because it stood against him. This is a world under a curse and every […]

Oaks of Righteousness. Tim Tucker at Ivy Sharston

Isaiah 61 was Jesus’ manifesto and it is the same for Message South Africa The good news is for those who live in a state of bad news! Poor Lost Jesus has come to you So you can go and be an oak of righteousness An oak can withstand the storms of life The storms still come! But it takes a long time to grow an oak tree We have to be patient If you’re looking at a gang in Cape Town Or a prisoner You have to see differently A city so divided by rich and poor Needs the poor to rise up And be the message In fertile ground To rebuild To restore To renew Because an oak tree reproduces itself. God wants us to be that oak tree But we see ourselves as weeds Disposable and weak Look how Jesus sees us – It’s in Romans 8:14-17 This tells us we are 1) Accepted – sons not slaves Not slaves, not in fear, not even as foster children but as sons. In a Roman household there would […]

Moses Reluctance – Andy Economides at Ivy

Who am I – the first reluctance I will be with you – the answer 2 How am I going to? Tell them I Am has sent you You’d think that would be enough 3 No – What if they don’t believe me? A – what’s in your hand? Through these signs, God will establish the word. It wasn’t enough Jesus signs didn’t persuade everyone. 4 O Lord – I’m not eloquent, never have been! A: who makes you who you are. Now go! God says ‘surely you’ve got enough by now??’ No – not enough ‘Send someone else.’ I can’t do it.

SORTED Mag special World Cup edition now available on special offer

The Sorted May-Jun bumper magazine is now available. This special World Cup edition is just perfect for football related outreach, men’s breakfasts, Fathers Day events – in fact anytime you need a non-cringey Gospel friendly resource for blokes. And at just £50 for a box of 40 copies it won’t break the bank either. Starring Mark Wahlberg, Bear Grylls, Kaka, Falcao, Dan Walker and Carl Beech and me – stocks are limited so order before it’s too late.