Andy Hawthorne at Ivy MCR

Jesus means Saviour Christmas was going to save people from their sins that act as a barrier between us and God. Heaven is a place for perfect people – which is a big problem for me and you! God could have been born anyway but he chose the worst place available so we could never say ‘You don’t know how bad it is.’ They brought him Gold Frankincense Myrrh Imagine at the baby shower you get a coffin! This baby was born to die. That was the most important thing about his life. Not his teaching – amazing though it was. Not his miracles – and he’s still doing them by the way . But as he died he became our Saviour. He took the wrath of God on himself. Pays the price of our freedom – It is finished Good news Of great joy For all people It’s good news! Is it news to you? It brings great joy. No matter what we go through. It’s the only truly universal religion – relevant to the millionaire or the slum […]

Steve Cockram: Ivy leaders morning

Leaders Define Culture! Next stage for us at Ivy is how to multiply through discipleship People choosing not to serve as a volunteer – but because they want to be with you. 1 Cor 4:14 I became your father Imitate me Follow my son Timothy My way of life agrees with my teaching In that culture the child did what their father or mother did. Very few people could operate as truly a father or mother – they had many ‘teachers.’ Wrong q – how do I get more people to help me Right q – how do I get more people to pattern their lives after Jesus as I do – imperfect though I am. All sheep looks like a shepherd from behind. As I follow Christ – look back – who is following me? How did Jesus make disciples? He calibrated invitation to be with him With the challenge to do something Challenge therefore; Are we so focused on growing church instead of focusing on growing disciples – then Jesus will grow the church. None of us are […]

How can say we belong to Him when all our longings are for more belongings?

      This is the Ivy Grow Group Notes for this week. I rounded off the Colossians series last night but only spoke on one verse of it so not really much point in me going over that again…   Well what an amazing day yesterday was at Ivy MCR Here are a few highlights from the things I personally witnessed, and I’m sure Ivy Fallowfield was great as always; 1030am service at Kingsway – I had more than a few people come and tell me, ‘We’re getting full again…’ There were some spare seats – but the received wisdom I’ve found to be true is that when your meeting room is 80% full, you’re full! SO… Do we need to hire another screen? When? What’s the answer? Please THANK GOD for growth and PRAY for wisdom and provision. 4pm at Ivy Sharston This service is getting more than 70 people a week already. Emily Bowyer did a great talk on ‘TOUCH’ and then an outbreak of hugging happened! SUCH a great time! . One new first time visitor […]

Ivy MCR GG notes on Colossians 3

Dead and Alive  – Colossians 3   Read Col 3:1-3 If your version starts with ‘If’ in verse 1, I think the versions that start with ‘Since’ make more sense, following the flow of argument from the previous chapter. ‘SINCE you have been raised with Christ…’ Discuss:  You only get raised with Christ if you died with Him first! Do you know or are you aware of anyone who had a ‘near death’ experience, a close shave with death etc (like Fabrice Muamba for instance) and got a second chance at life? Anyone in the GG had that kind of experience personally? How would you live after you experienced such an incident? How might your perspective, priorities and plans change? Read Col 3;1-17 Paul is probably referring to baptism here as a symbolic experience of ‘putting to death’ the old life and passing from death to life. The early church actually gave baptismal candidates a new set of clothes to symbolise the new life they were entering. Discuss:  This is a very dramatic picture If you were baptised as an […]

@mattyhawthorne – Sharing God’s Story

Sharing in God’s story for our life God uses the ordinary things He is in the salvage business Like Wall E Check the video Wall E’s job is to salvage – and our God fixes what’s broken Romans 8 The creation is waiting for that to fully happen There’s not many noble or wise here. God chooses nobodies to do some of his greatest stuff. Those who have nothing without God. God gets you back on track. Your sat nav directs you on the perfect route (well it should!) God has a good and perfect plan If you go a long way off track He recalculates. Do you believe there is a purpose to your life? How will you find it if you don’t find Him? Jeremiah 29:11 lays it out. John 16 – Jesus says how we find out the plan and live it- it’s all about the Holy Spirit. When God’s story becomes your story – God brings you home.

@mattyhawthorne – Sharing God’s Story

Sharing in God’s story for our life God uses the ordinary things He is in the salvage business Like Wall E Check the video Wall E’s job is to salvage – and our God fixes what’s broken Romans 8 The creation is waiting for that to fully happen There’s not many noble or wise here. God chooses nobodies to do some of his greatest stuff. Those who have nothing without God. God gets you back on track. Your sat nav directs you on the perfect route (well it should!) God has a good and perfect plan If you go a long way off track He recalculates. Do you believe there is a purpose to your life? How will you find it if you don’t find Him? Jeremiah 29:11 lays it out. John 16 – Jesus says how we find out the plan and live it- it’s all about the Holy Spirit. When God’s story becomes your story – God brings you home.

@mattyhawthorne – Sharing God’s Story

Sharing in God’s story for our life God uses the ordinary things He is in the salvage business Like Wall E Check the video Wall E’s job is to salvage – and our God fixes what’s broken Romans 8 The creation is waiting for that to fully happen There’s not many noble or wise here. God chooses nobodies to do some of his greatest stuff. Those who have nothing without God. God gets you back on track. Your sat nav directs you on the perfect route (well it should!) God has a good and perfect plan If you go a long way off track He recalculates. Do you believe there is a purpose to your life? How will you find it if you don’t find Him? Jeremiah 29:11 lays it out. John 16 – Jesus says how we find out the plan and live it- it’s all about the Holy Spirit. When God’s story becomes your story – God brings you home.

What are your FIG leaves? @lynnswart at Ivy MCR

Cliff Richard said its so funny that we don’t talk any more But it’s not funny We share – but mostly online. Time on Facebook grows as face to face stops. We are living in a generation where heart communication needs to be relearned. God loves to share. Sometimes we feel our lives are formless and void. But one word from him changed everything – it still does. And humanity was made to share and be open. But they listened to the other voice and were lured by his lies. Gen 3:7 They realised they were naked. Sewed fig leaves. Wanted to hide from God and each other We’ve been on the run ever since. What are our fig leaves? What stops our honest communication – stops us taking risks. F.I.Gs what does that stand for? F – Fake Actor in Gk = hypocritus. Many nations have dances etc with masks. When you have a mask on you can’t see clearly, speak freely, hear clearly etc. Be authentic – then you are free to be who God made you to […]