Ivy Grow Group notes I’m going to be talking this Sunday about church (surprising eh?) Specifically I want to focus on membership Being apart OF not apart FROM the Body. Read 1 Cor 12, then pray together What parts of the passage are hardest to understand? What parts go against how we naturally think and live? Let’s think a bit further on this: The gospel is like ‘LIVING WATER.’ (where does that phrase come from? Find out and read around it). What does water do? It fills any receptacle – without retaining the form of any. The container isn’t what’s impt. The CONTENT stays the same, the CONTAINERS change. We are individually containers, and we meet together in containers. List what containers Ivy presently meets in that you know of. Pray for the new outreach starting soon- Ivy Sharston – and the team led by Matty Hawthorne getting it going. Are you called to help with this on Sunday afternoons? Contact the office! The body looks like it does because of its DNA – that’s what makes us what we […]
New post Infographic: The Psychology of Color
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Tears, Rage and Prayers for Murdered GMP Police Women
I wanted to be a police officer since I was thirteen, and at 16 my dream came true when I joined GMP Police Cadets. After that two years I served 10 years in various roles as a Constable, with some of the bravest and best people imaginable. As I wrote in my book ‘Diamond Geezers’ my concept of true friendship was forged during those years, and in some senses it spoilt me for what sometimes passes as friendship in the rest of the world. In the church I have made some great friends too, but such terms as brother/sisterhood are sometimes bandied around too easily as religious concepts among people who are Sunday acquaintances; but while not wanting to be over sentimental, when you’ve been through that dangerous door with someone, or fought alongside them in a dirty pub as the pint pots fly past – you learn who your friends are. My best mate is still one such man I faced fear down alongside with. The call that every Bobby worth their salt would abandon everything to run to […]
How To Overcome
God says, ‘I can take this and turn it into that.’ Like flicking a light in a dark room. Take a negative and turn it into something else. For every situation, you have a divine advantage.
Giant killing – Intimidation vs Intimacy
Ivy GG notes. Graham Cooke told us: You get to live in the favour of God. This is who we are. Don’t live below the line of your privilege. Discuss – what does the Favour of God mean? GC: At the cross, Jesus has removed everything that was hostile to us. God said ‘I will make all your enemies turn their backs on you.’ The enemy is vulnerable to the favour of God that is working in your life. The opposition now works for you. The enemy was created to serve the purpose of God. Nothing’s changed. He still does. Read the beginning of Job. What does this tell you about the devil, his role in the world, and the limitations of his power? What puzzles you about this story? Do you tend to live in fear that the enemy can steal, kill and destroy – or do you live as I said last Sunday, DARING, DEFENDED – so DO IT. GC: Don’t focus on the attack of the enemy. Look what God’s doing. David turns up with the cheese for his […]
Radiant Overcomers!
We’re coming to the end of the GG notes that come out of my notes/ thoughts on Graham Cooke’s visit for Keys to the City – probably just another couple of weeks then I think we’ll start looking at the Beatitudes, following the new EVENING teaching at Ivy. But there’s still plenty to chew on from Graham. By the way i put these nots on a few days in advance so this stuff is for NEXT week. 1 Corinthians 12:3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. Discuss: What do you think Paul meant by this? Is it as easy as saying a phrase then? GC: It’s not enough to just know Jesus as Saviour – We have to learn him as LORD. This means we come to terms with his supremacy. Jesus is Lord means He rules in every situation. If you’ve heard my recent talks I’ve been saying there’s a difference between what makes us FAIL (Fixed […]
Favour and Vengeance
We’ve looked at Isaiah 61 a lot recently in the Ivy GG notes but it was such a crucial passage when Graham Cooke taught, start by reading it again. WE LIVE IN GOD’S FAVOUR… Favour is different from Grace, although it comes from the same root word. Grace is undeserved, unmerited. But the Bible is full of instruction about how we can obtain favour. We live in the Favour of the Lord through prayer, faith, obedience and perseverance. GC: In every situation – he’s training you about FAVOUR. Favour is BIAS. God is BIASED for you, He can turn everything around for good. You never face anything on the same level it comes to you. You can go to a higher level and face it where God wants you to come to it. God allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent in his power. Why? So you live in expectancy of the goodness of God. Question: Do you live that way? Do you expect to see the goodness of God? He also wants us to know about His vengeance […]
Your Inheritance for your Identity
For where he wants to take you, there are scriptures you need to live in. Any promise in there is yours. The Bible says ‘God is no respecter of persons’ That means you can become like that person and have that experience they did.
How are you known in heaven?
Jesus came to his home town, stood up to read – and read from the wrong place! Isaiah 61. ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…’
What was he saying? ‘This is how I am known in heaven…’
What would you like to be known in heaven for? What are you going to do now that will matter then?