Favour and Vengeance

We’ve looked at Isaiah 61 a lot recently in the Ivy GG notes but it was such a crucial passage when Graham Cooke taught, start by reading it again.    WE LIVE IN GOD’S FAVOUR…  Favour is different from Grace, although it comes from the same root word. Grace is undeserved, unmerited. But the Bible is full of instruction about how we can obtain favour. We live in the Favour of the Lord through prayer, faith, obedience and perseverance.  GC: In every situation – he’s training you about FAVOUR. Favour is BIAS. God is BIASED for you, He can turn everything around for good. You never face anything on the same level it comes to you. You can go to a higher level and face it where God wants you to come to it. God allows in his wisdom what he could easily prevent in his power. Why? So you live in expectancy of the goodness of God.  Question: Do you live that way? Do you expect to see the goodness of God?  He also wants us to know about His vengeance […]

I’d say this was great even if I wasn’t biased.


Aside from the annoying spelling mistake on the slide they put up behind here(thankfully they corrected it early on), this short talk by my daughter Hannah ticks all the boxes for a great presentation.

Be inspired by the stories she tells so well, and slap your chest too and say ‘this is for me!’

Graham Dow: Deliverance from evil spirits #nwn&e12

Eph 6:12 tells us who the battle is really with – a hierarchy of powers Jude 6 – angels left their place and became evil spirits Mk 1:21f how Jesus dealt with evil spirits. The word translated as possessed just means ‘with.’ There are many, but one spokesman. Asking jesus name was a power play. Jesus says ‘be throttled! Come out!’ We would put the man out of the church, Jesus put the spirit out of the man. The gospels clearly distinguish sickness and demons. The same symptoms have different causes. Healing and deliverance are distinct. But Jesus deals with both! The main bible term = demonised (literally to have a little demon) Or vexed by a demon Deliverance is routine ministry for the apostles Acts 5:12-16 shows its ongoing for us It’s a sign of the kingdom but there is a battle. Spiritual power encounter. The Spirit of the Lord on and in us. Real but invisible power. spirit= ruach. Spirits are bad breath. Impure spirits Rev 20 tells us their destiny. Lake of fire. So – how can […]


  Carrying on from my Graham Cooke notes for Ivy Grow Groups again! Sorry these are a little late and thanks for the reminder, I have been at New Wine LSE which was fabulous but very busy and little opportunity for internet access.  PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER:  Pray for Ivy as people go away for summer, many at festivals like New Wine (some for refreshing, others to work) Pray for the meetings continuing on Sundays at Ivy Didsbury at 10am (short family services) and 1130am (no children’s provision) STUDY:   Isaiah 42:8 “I am the LORD, that is My name;  I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 48:11 “For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act;  For how can My name be profaned?  And My glory I will not give to another.” Discuss: What do you think God meant by not sharing his glory with another?  Graham Cooke said, “You say ‘He won’t share his glory with another!’ Well you’re not another. You’re his and you’re in him. If you’re […]

Andy Hawthorne – New Wine LSE Urban Venue.

Matt 9 Jesus the Saviour and Lord spent a long time making tables and chairs He kept saying the timing’s not right Until the time is right! Then the kingdom comes – in a person When the king comes! Jesus shows us what the gospel is all about The poor the sick the lonely And he chooses a youth group to help him. Matt 9 is a very exciting chapter! Healing, calling, deliverance – all in one day! Then he goes round healing every disease, nothing is too hard for him! What’s the kingdom like? A little bit of Salt & yeast makes a massive difference: small and invisible And… It’s a city on a hill! It’s glorious! Jesus did BOTH!! The time is right – now. Multiplication starts. Kingdom isn’t about addition. That’s why the angels get excited when one person becomes a christian but they know in a multiplying kingdom many more get effected When Jesus SAW the crowds he had compassion on them… Jesus type Mission starts with SEE See the need Some Christians never get past […]

Mike Pilavachi – the Spirit & the desert – New Wine LSE

We look at the NT then at our lives & see something missing! Lk 3:21f Trinitarian event. We all love being affirmed. Jesus was affirmed – and publicly! It wasn’t whispered but a shout from heaven. Then – 4;1 he was driven in the desert. Why? Spiritual equation – Led to the desert Filled with the Spirit Then used by the Spirit. The desert place is not the devil’s place. Joseph had his from 17 to 30 Moses had his from 40 to 80 He thought he was God’s gift. Till the desert, the burning bush. Who am I that I should go? Was he hoping for affirmation? Answer? I will go with you. That’s not the answer Because Moses is asking the wrong question Should be – who are you? Moses has been in Midian 40 years. Hot, dry, big, quiet, sand. That’s all there is to see about the desert. Not a day trip Not a week There’s only so many sand castles you can build. But in the desert – It’s just you and God And that’s […]