Church Without Walls – How To Build Missional-Attractional Church That Transforms Communities

The poor, the lost, the hurting, and the broken are not problems to be solved or burdens to be borne; they are gifts to us, because they help us experience God’s grace afresh as we meet Jesus in their faces

Redefining Ministry Success. Stop Hitting The Wrong Target.

The old way Pastors used to brag was how many people I have in my church (newsflash – it’s not yours). The new way in the circles I move in is ‘how many churches I’ve planted….’
But what if the true measure of success in ministry isn’t about numbers or achievements?


Heaven’s desire and decree is for 2025 to be a year of EXPANSION as the Lord is calling us to stretch wider, dig deeper, and expand beyond what we have yet experienced or ever imagined.
Here’s how I want this vision to inspire and shape my own leadership in 2025 and I invite you to consider it too.

Lessons for the Church from Supporting Elite Athletes. Christians In Sport’s Dr Graham Daniels on the Future Church Podcast

Including – God thinks of sport, how the church can connect with people well through it, how vital the church is for elite professionals, the highs and lows of triumph and defeat and how to manage both, the recent Olympics where so many athletes went very public with their faith. This is an incredibly encouraging and insightful interview and you don’t need to be a sports pro or armchair pundit to get a lot from listening!