It’s been a little while since I did a podcast but I have a few great new ones lined up so hit subscribe if you’ve not already done so. Ness is a great friend so full of wisdom I always enjoy meeting with her and I think that comes across as we talk. I’m so excited that she will be joining us again at LAUNCH this year, I made the mistake one year of not having her Keynote and trying to have her do a seminar instead and so many tried to cram in there I’ll not make the same mistake again this year! Book here now before the early bird misses the worm! Listen to the podcast here – or on your favourite streaming platform search for Future Church with Anthony Delaney
Tag: Future Church Podcast
Lessons for the Church from Supporting Elite Athletes. Christians In Sport’s Dr Graham Daniels on the Future Church Podcast
Including – God thinks of sport, how the church can connect with people well through it, how vital the church is for elite professionals, the highs and lows of triumph and defeat and how to manage both, the recent Olympics where so many athletes went very public with their faith. This is an incredibly encouraging and insightful interview and you don’t need to be a sports pro or armchair pundit to get a lot from listening!
The Surprising Truth About What People Think About Jesus & The Church. Rachel Jordan-Wolf
EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, KNOWING JESUS. Well talk about a big vision! Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf will be joining us at this year’s LAUNCH to talk about how it can become a reality and I loved hearing from her in advance on the podcast. Rachel is executive director of HOPE Together in the UK, having worked closely with the initiative since 2010, when she was the Church of England’s National Mission and Evangelism Advisor. “I’m committed to evangelism being at the heart of the church,’ says Rachel, “Committed to mission and to the local church in villages, towns and cities, and committed to do this together across denominations and across ethnicities to make Jesus known with words and action. We are also committed to a new generation, engaging with Millennials and with digital culture as well.” LISTEN TO THE FUTURE CHURCH PODCAST where you’ll hear how as well as being an expert on the stats and demographics from surveys that she has commissioned so we can have a great deal of hope for the future church, Rachel as a passionate evangelist herself is seeing […]
Future Church Podcast – OSCAR AMISI. Mega Churches And Multiplication Movements In Kenya And Beyond.
My Future Church podcast is back and gets off to a (nearly) perfect start with this interview of the fantastic John McGinley, leader of Myriad.
New Future Church Podcast with Dr James Emery White – How To Burn Bright Without Burning Out
I think you’ll love listening to this wide ranging and prescient interviews as we discussed subjects including but not limited to Quiet Quitting in Church, Yoga, CS Lewis and what makes great literature!