No doubt someone will tell me that your church is led by an all woman team, and that in the pastel coloured room a flower arranging, hymn singing crèche group at your church is packed full of hairy legged blokes in their twenties.
Tag: Jesus
Diamond Geezers: Finances – It Pays To Think About Your Money.
…if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?
Diamond Geezers: FRIENDS
Maybe it’s the memory or possibility of being let down or of letting others down that makes us put a crust around our hearts so nobody gets too close again? Do you agree most men are not good a CLOSE friendships?
Surprised by Joy
“..the hardest boiled of all the atheists I ever knew sat in my room on the other side of the fire and remarked that the evidence for the historicity of the Gospels was really surprisingly good. “Rum thing,” he went on. “All that stuff ….. about the Dying God. Rum thing. It almost looks as if it had really happened once.”
VIDEO – the year of multiplication
Last Sunday was another history maker for our church, as we met five times, in three venues!
I can’t retain football information, or (this is hard to say, I feel less than a man now) any sporting trivia. But I’m pretty good on capital cities and films.
Soil test
Jesus says if you’re good soil you will bear fruit at either 3000%, 6000% or 10,000%.
J John on the future
My friend J. John was asked by Charisma Magazine in the USA to respond to the question:What will life be like for the church in 2020?
More blessed to give than receive
They were sexually pure but promiscuous in generosity! They lived like that because they had their eyes on another destination.
Resident Evil
It’s a strong word isn’t it? Evil. Some will read this post and say, “Speak for yourself, I’m a good person.”