The poor, the lost, the hurting, and the broken are not problems to be solved or burdens to be borne; they are gifts to us, because they help us experience God’s grace afresh as we meet Jesus in their faces
Tag: leadership
The ONE Most Critical Number For Churches This Year
Three Essentials of a Mission Statement that Works.
WALKING IN TRUTH: Hospitality vs Narcissistic leadership (3 John)
Stephen Matthew: TRUST is the Currency of Leadership
New Podcast Episode – “Cop and Robber” where I interview Paul Lloyd
Rev Jack Shepherd – 5 Marks Of The Apostolic Resource Church
Three Priorities to Live for God Every Day (and teach others to do the same) – B.I.O.
BECOMING A HIGH IMPACT CHURCH – 1. Measure What Matters Most
What we measure determines what we think success is.
Most churches still tend to measure by the ABCs:
These are useful, but not optimal – or even biblical!
Being BIG, WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL does not necessarily mean a church is healthy (as we have seen so graphically and too in recent years).
HOW Does God measure success?