Church Without Walls – How To Build Missional-Attractional Church That Transforms Communities

The poor, the lost, the hurting, and the broken are not problems to be solved or burdens to be borne; they are gifts to us, because they help us experience God’s grace afresh as we meet Jesus in their faces

Three Priorities to Live for God Every Day (and teach others to do the same) – B.I.O.

How can we navigate the challenges of daily life while staying focused on God’s divine purpose? That’s where the B.I.O. concept comes in—a simple yet powerful framework that can guide us on our spiritual journey and help us lead others to do the same.

BECOMING A HIGH IMPACT CHURCH – 1. Measure What Matters Most

What we measure determines what we think success is. 
Most churches still tend to measure by the ABCs:  
These are useful, but not optimal – or even biblical! 
Being BIG, WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL does not necessarily mean a church is healthy (as we have seen so graphically and too in recent years). 
HOW Does God measure success?

New Podcast Episode – Geoff Surratt: Steering and Staying The Course In Ministry

What does ‘success’ in ministry really look like? 
How do we keep the main thing the main thing? 
What devotional practices can practically help us to stay the course? 
What guardrails and what do we need to pay attention to that might prevent us from failing and spoiling a leadership legacy?