Last Sunday was another history maker for our church, as we met five times, in three venues!
Tag: Prayer
Soil test
Jesus says if you’re good soil you will bear fruit at either 3000%, 6000% or 10,000%.
J John on the future
My friend J. John was asked by Charisma Magazine in the USA to respond to the question:What will life be like for the church in 2020?
More blessed to give than receive
They were sexually pure but promiscuous in generosity! They lived like that because they had their eyes on another destination.
Resident Evil
It’s a strong word isn’t it? Evil. Some will read this post and say, “Speak for yourself, I’m a good person.”
From Trash to Treasure
I happened upon a link today from Fast Company’s twitter feed which is well worth a read, about three ways to make gold out of garbage. I was particularly grabbed by the third way. It’s all about someone seeing ‘worthless junk’ and reimagining it – better. Follow the link to Matt Brown’s own page and he tells us how he saw these old plastic horses in a junk store bargain bucket, repackaged and rebranded them as “Night Horses” – like, ‘Nugget the life liver,” and “Sotirius, the silent Duke.” I love it! It’s just like what God does with us! This designer says he gives the objects a story of significance again. It’s part of a project called Significant Objects. We might feel worthless, neglected, useless or left out. But the Bible says to Christ followers that we should “think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; […]
Just watched the full video I made from our recent mercy mission into Haiti with our Grow Group. Some snippets are on here. Looking forward to being able to share a little more on Sunday at all services at Ivy Manchester, as we prepare for another big scary step of faith to help the people who need it most right now – let’s fill the Apollo!
List from veteran evangelist Melvin Banks at Evangelists Conference
Don’t worry about the wet blankets, have enough fire in you to dry them out!
Michael Ramsden: Knowing and trusting the character of God.
Michael Ramsden. Evangelists Conference. He was converted as a child, while living in Cyprus. Knew he would have to give up everything for Christ. He loved the Bible immediately. They asked at the first Bibel study, ‘If God could give you one thing what would you want?’ His reply: “I would want to be an evangelist.” Always knew that’s what he was called and appointed to. But there can be a performance mentality, and being judged by numbers. Retreated from that – a turning point came when he was preaching in South Africa, and at a golf club a business man had arranged an evening meal. Hoping for 60 people to come – 137 came. There were more non Christians than Christians. Afrikaans high class business types. Someone came up to him and told him the meeting was a mistake, they would not be receptive. And that experience happened when there was complete silence to all his points, and his heart was sinking! Cold sweat! But then at the end he gave an invitation. Then cards were offered for a […]
Releasing our potential needs work
Malcolm Gladwell, whose books I love and who I heard speak this year at Catalyst 09, reminds us in this short video (click here to view) that releasing your potential is not about genes, talents or ability but about capitalisation. That means hard work! It’s getting up and paying the price, rather than resting before you even get tired! Attitude is everything. Reminds me of the story Jesus told: A man had two sons. He went up to the first and said, ‘Son, go out for the day and work in the vineyard.’ “The son answered, ‘I don’t want to.’ Later on he thought better of it and went. The father gave the same command to the second son. He answered, ‘Sure, glad to.’ But he never went. “Which of the two sons did what the father asked?” It’s no good just saying you will do something, or thinking it’s a good idea. Ideation without perspiration is constipation!