There are things we must do differently in a crisis, quickly, to enable us to have a future that we will be able to create something new for. Some things we just have to do now because “The ship won’t take much more of this Cap’n!”
Author: Anthony Delaney
I speak, I write, I lead.
What would we do without the Lord?
What’s NEXT for the Church (and everyone) and what must leaders do RIGHT NOW?
What are we doing today at Ivy Church to respond to the Corona Virus?
Get Your Thinking Hats On
Don’t Be A ‘Wannabe.’ Be One Of The Others.
LEADERSHIP: Get There And Don’t Die Tryin’
Where is HOPE when you need it?
The Love of God in John’s Gospel: David Ford (continued)
If I am one with the One ‘through whom all things were made’ – all the things he made must matter to me too. Reconciliation, climate change.