How Grace Works #Bgbg2

Sometimes grace can be a great antidote to legalism and preaching morality. It’s a great way to grow a church to just say  ‘God loves you as you are, so stay the same.’ But that’s not real grace. 1 Cor 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. Paul effectively says ‘I am who I am by grace BUT… I worked. BUT grace was working in me It wasn’t me working – it was grace. There’s an apparent contradiction, it really it’s a both/and Grace is not a licence to do wrong but the power to do right. Works don’t lead to grace; that’s legalism But grace causes us to work. We have to fundamentally understand grace because God not need your good works, but the world does. You could never do anything to earn it, but when you get it – you are motivated by it. And God […]

Leadership notes from @leadnet gathering discussions

Some notes from discussion with Greg Surratt and Dave Smith in Q & A at  @leadnet gathering   Read ‘The Triumph Of Christianity’ – Rodney Stark –  Traces the Jesus movement through to now.  Describes how the demise of the church in Europe was because it became a lazy church. The answer to the demise is church planting. The most important person in the church for it to be effective is the church leader. And if that’s true… The next most important person is… Who? His or her PA. Who should help you only do what only you can do.   Let other very capable people lead other things. You can’t start with complete delegation on day one, but you have to learn to delegate more and more. You are never going to lead anything big and still enjoy life without good systems that free you up. Be ruthless on what do I really need to know? What do I really need to do. Virtual Assistants can be very helpful.

Greg Surratt – 10 Things That Make You Want To Quit

@gregsurratt brought us a great devotional today at the start of our time together at the @leadnet learning community. Gal 6:9 So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. Weariness and discouragement happens to us all. 10 things that cause it… Too much work Staff issues Money Challenges Worship Leaders! Fighting Ecclesiastical Systems Biting Sheep My own Expectations Family problems Health Your own sin Some of these things you can solve. You have the power to fix them if you have the courage.  Sometimes you are just going to live with them because you can’t. Andy Stanley would call this a tension to be manage rather than a problem to be solved. Hope is the antidote to discouragement. This scripture says – YOU WILL REAP A HARVEST The Sovereign God has promised this You will! When? At the proper time. When is that – when I resign as general manager of the universe and let him deal with the size of the harvest, and […]

A True Pioneer – Gerald Coates

Just made time to watch this fascinating video detailing the life and something of the contribution of my friend Gerald Coates. My contact with Gerald, his infectious big vision, encouraging faith and informal mentoring made a huge difference when I was in Surrey. Watching this show highlights a key figure God has used in our generation for the good of His church. No history of the UK church in our generation would be complete without including (and honouring) him.


(Thanks to Dan Reeves for working on the blog – looks a lot better now!) Jesus indicated that it is more important to be ready than know what’s going to happen. During World War II General MacArthur called one of his engineers and asked, ” How long would it take to throw a bridge across this river?’ ‘Three days’ the engineer told him. ‘Good,’ said the general, ‘have your draftsman make drawings right away.’ Three days later the general asked the engineer how the bridge was coming along. “It’s all ready Sir,’ he was told. ‘You can send the troops across right now, that is if you don’t have to wait for the plans – the plans aren’t done yet.” Look at the world around you with open eyes. The only thing that’s certain is that we live in a world of radical and acute uncertainty, so we need to be ready to see what’s working and what isn’t working, to adapt and change and be flexible and if it doesn’t work one way we go, go another – or […]

Lead Different

Matthew 20:26-28 NLT “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”” See it at