Leadership Network Interviewed Me…

about our experience of connecting to their High Capacity peer learning group for Europe, which has been fantastic; their notes from our telephone interview have just been posted widely and I reproduce it below.   In September 2014, Leadership Network will launch a High Capacity peer learning group in Europe. Anthony Delaney, Team Leader of Ivy Manchester (UK), tells his story of participating in Europe’s Rapid Growth Leadership Community. When Anthony Delaney took over as leader, Ivy was known as ‘Ivy Cottage’ and he reflects, “I saw great potential, but we needed to move out of the cottage and into the city.” With the help of Leadership Network, that’s where Anthony has been leading Ivy over the past five years. In this time they’ve planted three churches and started several missional projects. For Anthony it began when his friend Andy Hawthorne (founder and director of The Message) invited him to join a Leadership Network Leadership Community. Within a few months Anthony was at his first meeting. It was at these meetings that he began to make great friendships and was introduced […]

Jessie Jo Jacobs – Revival of love

Everything we want to do comes out of love. Jesus sets a very high bar; don’t look at her with lust, she’s your sister Don’t look at him with anger; he’s your brother The fasting he requires is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, loving those that have nowt. He asked Simon Peter: do you love me? Yes Feed my lambs then If you love me – love them What else can save the world, our cities, but this love. A people caught up in love. The bible is a love story Not a rule book Matt 13:3-9 parable of the sower 19-23 unpacks and explains it. Jesus is sowing seed on planet earth Some – hard ground; ‘I just don’t and won’t believe that love story.’ Some had no root; shallow relationship. The first joy of the first date. No depth to the relationship. And some – it’s wealth that gets in the way. The cares of this world, consumerism is choking out the gospel in the world. Britain is full of rich young rulers who won’t give up […]

Rib Ticklers…

Just been preparing for next year’s series January to March at Ivy, where we’ll be beginning 2014 at the Beginnings looking through the book of Genesis.  As I am known for my ‘Dad jokes’ – here are a few terrible Old Testament rib ticklers (sorry Adam) that if I get out of the way now I have no excuse for using then… Q. Who was the greatest male financier in the Bible? A. Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation. Q. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible? A. Pharaoh’s daughter. She went down to the bank of the Nile and drew out a little prophet.   Q. Who was the first smoker in the Bible?  A. Rebekah lighted off her Camel   Q. What kind of man was Boaz before he married?A. Ruthless   Q. Who was the tennis champ of the Bible?  A. David served in the courts of King Saul.    Q. What kinds of motor vehicles are in the Bible? A. God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in […]

Infinity – Nick Duffy at Ivy Didsbury

Small is big if God is in it It only takes a mustard seed of faith but God can do miracles from that Mk 8:22-end Are we living with eternity in view? Today is Remembrance Day How would you feel to go into conflict like that People’s determination has determined our destiny ‘Our actions today echo in eternity’ (Gladiator) Society dismisses heaven – until someone dies then we say ‘there must be more to life than this.’ We talk about trivial things and say YOLO – you only live once; So if this is all there is, live fast & die young But then there are glimpses of the eternal where we sense ‘this is transcendent’ Moments God uses as a glimpse of someone saying ‘You think this is beautiful, you should see me’ Lives lived apart from Jesus are just moment to moment ‘The fact that our hearts yearn for something earth cannot supply is proof that heaven is our home’ CS Lewis Jesus says ‘lose your life – gain your soul!’ We have that imprint of God in […]

Infinity – Sid Williams at Ivy Sharston

What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘infinity’? Toy story Space Forever Bt broadband Eternity Galaxies Nhs waiting lists How long coronation street has been on tv We find it hard to get our heads round because we all have a birthday God didn’t have a birthday Apart from Christmas God doesn’t have a start and an end He just IS the Alpha and Omega What else has no end? No such thing as an everlasting gobs topper! We like the beginnings But then there’s an end How do we cope with that? 1) connect to the infinite God 2) let that impact us now God is the only uncreated thing Many scientists acknowledge ‘a creative power’ kicked it off Who’s that then?! If we have a relationship with God he offers us not only his presence with him now – but forever And then we won’t be worrying about council tax We will have a different viewpoint God says ‘you’re like a blade of grass’ Is there any reason anyone will remember you in 100 years? If […]

Ideas on Getting the job done from Nehemiah 3

Nehemiah 3 He splits God’s people up according to; Where you are from Who are you with What can you do He provides; Inspiration Delegation Organisation Who have I got here that I can use? Labourers next to mayors This is theology in action. He motivated the whole community, unifies them by methodical organisation And he publicly shames those who are not involved in the work. Why? Because Mission is the job of the whole church!! It’s not just for the evangelists. Leadership = Discover people’s gifts, recruit them and use them! Everyone has a job; it’s leaders who mobilise and equip them for it.

Subtract & Divide. Oli May at Ivy Manchester

Matt 10:7-9 The first mission Preach Don’t take lots of equipment Expect miracles and persecution When you hear mission – what do you think of Going to poor countries? Arguing with colleagues? But Is mission an activity Or a duty Or something others do Why is it important to understand You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it – Einstein Q: are things in the world getting better Well if you look at the developing world you would answer, no. Most people in the world are poor and terrified. Children in the west will live to 100 In Afghanistan – 10. We spend £9.3bn on giving The same amount as the sum on scratch cards, greeting cards and pet food and losing it down the sofa combined And we spend £41bn on beer We are swapping our old problems for new. We are ants that can’t lift this boulder There has to be a higher power to help us. Jesus says prioritise others not yourselves – that’s the only hope. Mission is about connecting to God’s […]

Love Takes Action

Love Takes Action – Bob Goff @bobgoff (This guy is a force of nature, I’m buying his book!) We all want to lead strong, but we get our signals wrong.   We can memorise the Bible and learn more and more stuff. We stalk Jesus. Find out all kinds of facts about him. It creeps him out. Stop stalking Jesus. Learn from him.   1 John 3:16-18 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. Do the stuff so you will know. What? Who you are, what you’re here for. Love your enemies so you can be perfect. Next time someone asks how you’re doing, Tell YOURSELF ‘I;m trying to be perfect like my awesome dad.’ Love God Love People and DO […]

Multipliers or Diminishers?

MULTIPLIERS – Liz Wiseman @Lizwiseman Willow Creek GLS 2013   Why do some leaders DRAIN intelligence and others AMPLIFY it?   Multipliers act as Talent managers.   There is more intelligence in your organization and teams than you can see and are putting to work.   Being a multiplier is a simple idea – you use your knowledge and skills to amplify and magnify the capability of people around you. Then they do their best work, They get more capable working for you.   This is not multiplying YOURSELF so everyone is like you. Or your IDEAS. You grow THEM.  Their ideas and intelligence.   The leaders model can be ‘If you all get what I want done, done…’ that’s not multiplying.   Who’s been a multipler to you? Who’s been a diminisher?   How much of your intelligence did each use?   Diminishers on average get 43% of your capability out of you. (micromanage, self-absorbed)   Multipliers on average get 91% out of you. (How do I use all the brains in the room)   Larry Gelwix. High School […]