(Through Covid) None of us got it all right, none of us got it all wrong either. None of us got trained for this – but we had to be led by the Holy Spirit
Can you put some names in these places? Who fathers/mothers you? Someone older/ wiser. Who makes you think? Deliberately surround yourself with people smarter than you. Who encourages your visions – inspiring you to move beyond the status quo? Who understands you – and shows you mercy? I know God does, but who can accept me as a sinner and not leave me there but walk with me to the altar for grace? Who offers you reliable judgement? To sound ideas off Who comes alongside you – and lightens the load? Team members have different strengths. Who rebukes you? Who loves you enough to tell you you’re going the wrong way. A good leader invites the ugly truth. Who has fun with you? If you need this one explaining, well… Who inspires you to seek faithfully after God? – when you leave their company, you feel closer to Jesus.
Why would Paul name two men getting it wrong then apparently write ‘so the answer is don’t let women teach?’ Writing something which for 2000 years since has been used – by men – to clobber women into submission at worst, or relegate them to help in Sunday school at best?Could it be because we’ve read the rest of scripture through the lens of these two verses, rather than the other way round?