Church is not a place you go; it’s a people you belong to and a mission you live out.
Three Essentials of a Mission Statement that Works.
WALKING IN TRUTH: Hospitality vs Narcissistic leadership (3 John)
Stephen Matthew: TRUST is the Currency of Leadership
New Podcast Episode – “Cop and Robber” where I interview Paul Lloyd
Rev Jack Shepherd – 5 Marks Of The Apostolic Resource Church
Lessons for the Church from Supporting Elite Athletes. Christians In Sport’s Dr Graham Daniels on the Future Church Podcast
Including – God thinks of sport, how the church can connect with people well through it, how vital the church is for elite professionals, the highs and lows of triumph and defeat and how to manage both, the recent Olympics where so many athletes went very public with their faith. This is an incredibly encouraging and insightful interview and you don’t need to be a sports pro or armchair pundit to get a lot from listening!
Three Priorities to Live for God Every Day (and teach others to do the same) – B.I.O.
BECOMING A HIGH IMPACT CHURCH – 1. Measure What Matters Most
What we measure determines what we think success is.
Most churches still tend to measure by the ABCs:
These are useful, but not optimal – or even biblical!
Being BIG, WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL does not necessarily mean a church is healthy (as we have seen so graphically and too in recent years).
HOW Does God measure success?