Michael Hyatt Don’t Lose Heart. The people who don’t stay the course, are those who lose heart. Most Christians – 80%? lose heart and become ineffective by the age of 55. You can get your heart back – and lead from the heart. You will maximise your influence as a leader when you embrace 5 truths about the heart. Your heart is the essence of your identity. The Bible uses the word heart over a 1000 times. Matt 5:8, 6:23, 15:18, 22:37 – love God with your heart. Your heart is YOU. Who YOU are. The inner sanctuary where you connect with God and others from. The world ‘s focus is external image, but the Lord looks at the heart. Why? Because it matters most. The big question is not how’s your family/ career – but ‘How’s your heart?’ Your heart is your most important and valuable leadership tool Prov 4:23 – above ALL else! (It’s not your knowledge, your skills that counts) – your heart is the WELLSPRING of your life. If you stop up springs, the streams stop […]
Tag: Christianity
Draw A Circle! Catalyst 2011 Mark Batterson.
Bold prayer honours God, and God honours bold prayer!
Jesus’ Job Interview
Just thinking about this as I prepare to speak Sunday on John 21. The original ‘Footprints in the Sand’ I suppose… Here’s Jesus’ job interview… Simon do you love me? You know I love you. Feed my sheep. Do you love me? I love you deeply. Good – feed my lambs. Do you love me? You know I love you… Feed my sheep. Okay – er… What about him?
Debra Green – Mountains or Fountains
My notes from this, the first talk in our 40 Days of Ivy DNA Series: RELEVANT. People are surprised when we as a church are normal rather than ‘religious’ Text – John 4- the samaritan woman at the well. 1) Jesus asked – ‘Will you give me a drink?’ This is a very controversial conversation for him to have at all. He’s showing us the type of Saviour he is. He’s speaking to her in her language, about her every day life and needs. Connects with the familiar. If we want to be relevant we need to offer and speak into what people need. Cf Breathe City Church in Stoke- their ‘When‘ ministry: giving clothes to the poor in the city. Thousands of clothing packages given. When we meet the felt needs of people, we’ll be relevant. We’re not relevant because the worship is great or the preaching is good: people outside of church are not even asking about that anyway! But if we help people and connect in people in prison, in debt, when we are marked by hospitality, […]
DEBRA GREEN: Nehemiah 10 – 13. The house of God.
Debra rounded off our series tonight. She began by talking about competing voices – a time in the week when there were 2 sat navs going in the church, which one do we listen to? God’s word to is the Bible, and Nehemiah kept having to come back to that, and call people back to what the Lord had said. 10:28 Now the rest of the people—the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the Nethinim, and all those who had separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, everyone who had knowledge and understanding— these joined with their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and His ordinances and His statutes. At what age can a child understand and come into the things of God? Josh 24:15 – Choose who you will serve! As for me […]
Lynn Swart: True or False? Sermon at Ivy MCR today on Nehemiah 6:9-14
Nehemiah could smell a rat because he knew the fragrance of heaven.
Why I believe – Part 3: The Crux of the matter
Many hundreds of thousands of crosses, but we only remember this one. Those who were dying usually shouted and swore and cursed those who put them there. Here’s what Jesus said: in Luke 23 – ‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
Pippa Tucker’s talk from last night- ‘It’s still good news.’
It was too good – to keep to themselves.
DREAMS that lead us to the Great Adventure!
As we approach the Christmas season the nativity narratives are packed full of angels and dreams and the Lord getting his will done through them. Have you ever experienced this kind of guidance?
Don’t cut your thumb off : The Opposable Leader – Andy Stanley
Understand the upside of the opposite side, and the downside of your side.